Susan B Cooper in Waverly - Dietary Manager

Susan B Cooper - NPI 1548457880

Susan B Cooper is a Dietary Manager in Waverly, Ohio. Susan B Cooper practices all healthcare services and medical treatments related to Dietary Manager. The NPI Number for Susan B Cooper is 1548457880. The last update date is 2007-10-01.

Susan B Cooper's current location address is 100 Dawn Ln, Waverly, Ohio. You can contact this provider via phone number 7409476306 and fax number 7409476538. The mailing address for Susan B Cooper is 100 Dawn Ln, Waverly, Ohio. To know further, please read the information below!

Provider Profile Detail

Provider Name Susan B Cooper
Address 100 Dawn Ln, Waverly, Ohio
Phone Number 7409476306
Fax Number 7409476538
Sole Proprietor N
Credentials --

NPI Number Detail

NPI Number 1548457880
Provider Enumeration Date 2007-10-01
Last Updated Date 2007-10-01

Provider Mailing Address Detail

Address 100 Dawn Ln
City Waverly
State Ohio (OH)
Post Code 456909138
Phone Number 7409476306
Fax Number 7409476538

Provider's Primary Taxonomy Detail

Speciality Dietary Manager
Taxonomy 132700000X
A dietary manager is a trained food services professional who is charged with maintaining cost/profit objectives, purchasing foods and services for the department and supervising staff.. Dietary managers are trained to understand the basic nutritiona

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FAQs about Susan B Cooper

What is the Susan B Cooper's unique identification number?

The Susan B Cooper has been assigned the NPI (National Provider Identifier) Number 1548457880 by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). This 10-digit code serves as a unique identifier for the organization.

Could you share the physical location details of Susan B Cooper?

The Susan B Cooper is situated at 100 Dawn Ln, in the city of Waverly, state of OH, with the zip code 456909138.

What is Susan B Cooper's specialized field of practice, and what is the corresponding taxonomy code that categorizes this area of expertise?

The area of specialization for Susan B Cooper is Dietary Manager, and the taxonomy code that classifies this field of practice is 132700000X.

When was the Susan B Cooper's 1548457880 issued?

The Susan B Cooper's 1548457880 was issued on 2007-10-01.

When was the information related to Susan B Cooper most recently updated or refreshed?

The details pertaining to the Susan B Cooper, including its address, specialty, and other relevant information, were last updated or refreshed on 2007-10-01.

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