All NPI Numbers of Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities

FAQs about Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities

What is the best way to find a nursing or custodial care facility's NPI number?

Search for the facility name on to find their 10-digit NPI number.

How can I verify a facility's credentials?

In addition to their NPI number, search for the facility on to find information like their location and services that can help verify their credentials.

What types of facilities are there?

Examples include nursing homes, assisted living, hospice, rehabilitation facilities. provides the facility details.

How often are facility NPI numbers renewed?

An NPI number does not expire and will stay with the facility for the duration of its existence. always has the most up-to-date NPI information for verification.

What additional information can I find about a facility on

In addition to their NPI number, you can find the facility name, location, services, and other details to fully verify their credentials.

How do I find someone's NPI number? Go to right now!

Find NPI numbers for all Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities across the United States with the extensive database at