Lanora Johnson in Buffalo - Religious Nonmedical Nursing Personnel

Lanora Johnson - NPI 1154587319

Lanora Johnson is a Religious Nonmedical Nursing Personnel in Buffalo, New York. Lanora Johnson practices all healthcare services and medical treatments related to Religious Nonmedical Nursing Personnel. The NPI Number for Lanora Johnson is 1154587319. The last update date is 2008-08-06.

Lanora Johnson's current location address is 170 Franklin St, Buffalo, New York. You can contact this provider via phone number 7168562702. The mailing address for Lanora Johnson is 170 Franklin St, Buffalo, New York. To know further, please read the information below!

Provider Profile Detail

Provider Name Lanora Johnson
Address 170 Franklin St, Buffalo, New York
Phone Number 7168562702
Fax Number
Sole Proprietor Y
Credentials LPN

NPI Number Detail

NPI Number 1154587319
Provider Enumeration Date 2008-08-06
Last Updated Date 2008-08-06

Provider Mailing Address Detail

Address 170 Franklin St
City Buffalo
State New York (NY)
Post Code 142022414
Phone Number 7168562702
Fax Number

Provider's Primary Taxonomy Detail

Speciality Religious Nonmedical Nursing Personnel
Taxonomy 374T00000X
Licence No 245660-1
Religious nonmedical nursing personnel are experienced in caring for the physical needs of nonmedical patients. For example, caring for the physical needs such as assistance with activities of daily living; assistance with moving, positioning, and am

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FAQs about Lanora Johnson

What is the unique identification code assigned to Lanora Johnson by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services?

The Lanora Johnson has been issued the NPI (National Provider Identifier) 1154587319. This 10-digit code serves as a unique identifier for healthcare providers, assigned by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Could you please provide the complete physical location address of Lanora Johnson?

The Lanora Johnson is physically situated at 170 Franklin St, in the city of Buffalo, state of NY, with the postal code 142022414.

What is the Lanora Johnson's area of specialization and corresponding taxonomy classification?

The Lanora Johnson's specialty field is Religious Nonmedical Nursing Personnel, and it falls under the taxonomy code 374T00000X, which categorizes healthcare providers based on their specialties.

When did the Lanora Johnson receive its 1154587319?

The Lanora Johnson was issued its 1154587319 on 2008-08-06, which is the date when the organization was assigned this unique identifier.

As of what date was the information regarding Lanora Johnson, such as address, specialty, and other details, last verified and confirmed to be up-to-date?

The information related to Lanora Johnson, including its address, specialty, and other relevant details, was last verified and confirmed to be up-to-date on 2008-08-06.

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