Amy Ihrig in American Fork - Doula

Amy Ihrig - NPI 1548437791

Amy Ihrig is a Doula in American Fork, Utah. Amy Ihrig practices all healthcare services and medical treatments related to Doula. The NPI Number for Amy Ihrig is 1548437791. The last update date is 2022-12-09.

Amy Ihrig's current location address is 712 E 750 N, American Fork, Utah. You can contact this provider via phone number 8017732503 and fax number 8017847503. The mailing address for Amy Ihrig is 712 E 750 N, American Fork, Utah. To know further, please read the information below!

Provider Profile Detail

Provider Name Amy Ihrig
Address 712 E 750 N, American Fork, Utah
Phone Number 8017732503
Fax Number 8017847503
Sole Proprietor Y
Credentials BA, AAHCC,

NPI Number Detail

NPI Number 1548437791
Provider Enumeration Date 2008-05-15
Last Updated Date 2022-12-09

Provider Mailing Address Detail

Address 712 E 750 N
City American Fork
State Utah (UT)
Post Code 840031584
Phone Number 8017732503
Fax Number 8017847503

Provider's Primary Taxonomy Detail

Speciality Doula
Taxonomy 374J00000X
Doulas work in a variety of settings and have been trained to provide physical, emotional, and informational support to a mother before, during, and just after birth and/or provide emotional and practical support to a mother during the postpartum per

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FAQs about Amy Ihrig

What is the unique 10-digit identifier code assigned to Amy Ihrig by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services?

The Amy Ihrig has been issued the NPI (National Provider Identifier) 1548437791 by the CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services), which serves as a unique identification number for healthcare providers.

Could you provide the complete physical address where Amy Ihrig is located?

The Amy Ihrig is situated at the following address: 712 E 750 N, American Fork, UT, 840031584.

What is the area of specialization for Amy Ihrig, and what is the corresponding taxonomy classification code for this field?

The specialized field of practice for Amy Ihrig is Doula, and the corresponding taxonomy code that categorizes this area of expertise is 374J00000X.

On what date did the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issue the 1548437791 to Amy Ihrig?

The Amy Ihrig received its 1548437791 assignment from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on 2008-05-15.

As of what date was the information regarding Amy Ihrig, such as address, specialty, and other details, last verified and confirmed to be up-to-date?

The information related to Amy Ihrig, including its address, specialty, and other relevant details, was last verified and confirmed to be up-to-date on 2022-12-09.

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