Melinda Jane Nitz in Frankfort - Military Hospital

Melinda Jane Nitz - NPI 1285881391

Melinda Jane Nitz is a Military Hospital in Frankfort, Kentucky. Melinda Jane Nitz practices all healthcare services and medical treatments related to Military Hospital. The NPI Number for Melinda Jane Nitz is 1285881391. The last update date is 2008-08-20.

Melinda Jane Nitz's current location address is 132 Farmbrook Cir, Frankfort, Kentucky. You can contact this provider via phone number 5026955391. The mailing address for Melinda Jane Nitz is 132 Farmbrook Cir, Frankfort, Kentucky. To know further, please read the information below!

Provider Profile Detail

Provider Name Melinda Jane Nitz
Address 132 Farmbrook Cir, Frankfort, Kentucky
Phone Number 5026955391
Fax Number
Sole Proprietor Y
Credentials MS PT

NPI Number Detail

NPI Number 1285881391
Provider Enumeration Date 2008-08-20
Last Updated Date 2008-08-20

Provider Mailing Address Detail

Address 132 Farmbrook Cir
City Frankfort
State Kentucky (KY)
Post Code 406018880
Phone Number 5026955391
Fax Number

Provider's Primary Taxonomy Detail

Speciality Military Hospital
Taxonomy 286500000X
Licence No 5290
A health care facility operated by the Department of Defense.

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FAQs about Melinda Jane Nitz

What is the Melinda Jane Nitz's unique identification number?

The Melinda Jane Nitz has been assigned the NPI (National Provider Identifier) Number 1285881391 by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). This 10-digit code serves as a unique identifier for the organization.

Could you provide the complete physical address where Melinda Jane Nitz is located?

The Melinda Jane Nitz is situated at the following address: 132 Farmbrook Cir, Frankfort, KY, 406018880.

What is Melinda Jane Nitz's specialized area of practice, and what is the corresponding taxonomy classification code for this field?

The Melinda Jane Nitz's specialized field of practice is Military Hospital, and the corresponding taxonomy code that categorizes this area of specialization is 286500000X.

On what date did the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issue the 1285881391 to Melinda Jane Nitz?

The Melinda Jane Nitz received its 1285881391 assignment from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on 2008-08-20.

When was the information pertaining to Melinda Jane Nitz most recently updated or revised?

The details related to Melinda Jane Nitz, including its address, specialty, and other relevant information, were last updated or revised on 2008-08-20.

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