Alfredo Alicea in Sabana Grande - Pharmacy Technician

Alfredo Alicea - NPI 1164688719

Alfredo Alicea is a Pharmacy Technician in Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico. Alfredo Alicea practices all healthcare services and medical treatments related to Pharmacy Technician. The NPI Number for Alfredo Alicea is 1164688719. The last update date is 2008-08-04.

Alfredo Alicea's current location address is #54 Calle Parque Susua Baja, Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico. You can contact this provider via phone number 7872653330 and fax number 7878316716. The mailing address for Alfredo Alicea is #54 Calle Parque Susua Baja, Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico. To know further, please read the information below!

Provider Profile Detail

Provider Name Alfredo Alicea
Address #54 Calle Parque Susua Baja, Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico
Phone Number 7872653330
Fax Number 7878316716
Sole Proprietor Y
Credentials --

NPI Number Detail

NPI Number 1164688719
Provider Enumeration Date 2008-08-04
Last Updated Date 2008-08-04

Provider Mailing Address Detail

Address #54 Calle Parque Susua Baja
City Sabana Grande
State Puerto Rico (PR)
Post Code 637
Phone Number 7872653330
Fax Number 7878316716

Provider's Primary Taxonomy Detail

Speciality Pharmacy Technician
Taxonomy 183700000X
Licence No 6277
A person who works under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist and performs many pharmacy-related functions that do not require the professional judgment of a pharmacist.

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FAQs about Alfredo Alicea

What is the Alfredo Alicea's unique identification number?

The Alfredo Alicea has been assigned the NPI (National Provider Identifier) Number 1164688719 by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). This 10-digit code serves as a unique identifier for the organization.

Could you please provide the complete physical location address of Alfredo Alicea?

The Alfredo Alicea is physically situated at #54 Calle Parque Susua Baja, in the city of Sabana Grande, state of PR, with the postal code 637.

What is Alfredo Alicea's area of expertise and its corresponding taxonomy classification?

The Alfredo Alicea's field of specialization is Pharmacy Technician, and it falls under the taxonomy code 183700000X, which categorizes healthcare providers based on their areas of practice.

When did the Alfredo Alicea receive its 1164688719?

The Alfredo Alicea was issued its 1164688719 on 2008-08-04, which is the date when the organization was assigned this unique identifier.

As of what date were the details related to Alfredo Alicea most recently updated or revised?

The information pertaining to Alfredo Alicea, including its address, specialty, and other relevant details, was last updated or revised on 2008-08-04.

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