Sanjiv Sheth in Bronx - Pharmacist

Sanjiv Sheth - NPI 1396992020

Sanjiv Sheth is a Pharmacist in Bronx, New York. Sanjiv Sheth practices all healthcare services and medical treatments related to Pharmacist. The NPI Number for Sanjiv Sheth is 1396992020. The last update date is 2013-11-15.

Sanjiv Sheth's current location address is 1527 Westchester Ave, Bronx, New York. You can contact this provider via phone number 7188422777 and fax number 7188420077. The mailing address for Sanjiv Sheth is 1527 Westchester Ave, Bronx, New York. To know further, please read the information below!

Provider Profile Detail

Provider Name Sanjiv Sheth
Address 1527 Westchester Ave, Bronx, New York
Phone Number 7188422777
Fax Number 7188420077
Sole Proprietor N
Credentials RPH

NPI Number Detail

NPI Number 1396992020
Provider Enumeration Date 2008-08-25
Last Updated Date 2013-11-15

Provider Mailing Address Detail

Address 1527 Westchester Ave
City Bronx
State New York (NY)
Post Code 104722908
Phone Number 7188422777
Fax Number 7188420077

Provider's Primary Taxonomy Detail

Speciality Pharmacist
Taxonomy 183500000X
Licence No 047855-1
An individual licensed by the appropriate state regulatory agency to engage in the practice of pharmacy. The practice of pharmacy includes, but is not limited to, assessment, interpretation, evaluation, and implementation, initiation, monitoring or m

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FAQs about Sanjiv Sheth

What is the unique 10-digit identifier code issued to Sanjiv Sheth by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services?

The Sanjiv Sheth has been assigned the NPI (National Provider Identifier) 1396992020 by the CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services). This 10-digit code serves as a unique identification number for healthcare providers.

Could you kindly provide the complete physical address where Sanjiv Sheth's facilities are geographically located?

The facilities of Sanjiv Sheth are physically situated at the following location: 1527 Westchester Ave, Bronx, NY, 104722908.

What is Sanjiv Sheth's specialized field of practice, and what is the corresponding taxonomy code that categorizes this area of expertise?

The area of specialization for Sanjiv Sheth is Pharmacist, and the taxonomy code that classifies this field of practice is 183500000X.

On what date was the 1396992020 assigned to Sanjiv Sheth?

The Sanjiv Sheth was issued its 1396992020 on 2008-08-25, which is the date when this unique identifier was assigned to the organization by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

When was the information pertaining to Sanjiv Sheth most recently updated or revised?

The details related to Sanjiv Sheth, including its address, specialty, and other relevant information, were last updated or revised on 2013-11-15.

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