Sean Christophe Meehan in Philadelphia - Oral Medicinist

Sean Christophe Meehan - NPI 1740281724

Sean Christophe Meehan is a Oral Medicinist in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Sean Christophe Meehan practices all healthcare services and medical treatments related to Oral Medicinist. The NPI Number for Sean Christophe Meehan is 1740281724. The last update date is 2023-08-28.

Sean Christophe Meehan's current location address is 240 S 40th St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. You can contact this provider via phone number 2157467982. The mailing address for Sean Christophe Meehan is 240 S 40th St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. To know further, please read the information below!

Provider Profile Detail

Provider Name Sean Christophe Meehan
Address 240 S 40th St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Phone Number 2157467982
Fax Number
Sole Proprietor N
Credentials D.M.D.

NPI Number Detail

NPI Number 1740281724
Provider Enumeration Date 2005-08-02
Last Updated Date 2023-08-28

Provider Mailing Address Detail

Address 240 S 40th St
City Philadelphia
State Pennsylvania (PA)
Post Code 191046030
Phone Number 2157467982
Fax Number

Provider's Primary Taxonomy Detail

Speciality Oral Medicinist
Taxonomy 125Q00000X
Licence No DS-028464-L
A dentist with advanced training specializing in the recognition and treatment of oral conditions resulting from the interrelationship between oral disease and systemic health. The Oral Medicinist manages clinical and non-surgical treatment of non-de

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FAQs about Sean Christophe Meehan

What is the unique 10-digit identifier code assigned to Sean Christophe Meehan by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services?

The Sean Christophe Meehan has been issued the NPI (National Provider Identifier) 1740281724 by the CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services), which serves as a unique identification number for healthcare providers.

Could you provide the complete physical address where Sean Christophe Meehan is located?

The Sean Christophe Meehan is situated at the following address: 240 S 40Th St, Philadelphia, PA, 191046030.

Could you kindly provide the complete physical address where Sean Christophe Meehan's facilities are geographically located?

The facilities of Sean Christophe Meehan are physically situated at the following location: 240 S 40Th St, Philadelphia, PA, 191046030.

What is Sean Christophe Meehan's specialized area of practice, and what is the corresponding taxonomy classification code for this field?

The Sean Christophe Meehan's specialized field of practice is Oral Medicinist, and the corresponding taxonomy code that categorizes this area of specialization is 125Q00000X.

When was the information related to Sean Christophe Meehan most recently updated or refreshed?

The details pertaining to the Sean Christophe Meehan, including its address, specialty, and other relevant information, were last updated or refreshed on 2023-08-28.

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