Is Bacon Paleo? A Close Look at Bacon on the Caveman Diet

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Is Bacon Paleo? A Close Look at Bacon on the Caveman Diet

Exploring Bacon in a Paleo Diet

The paleo diet is a nutritional approach focused on ancestral eating. Also called the “caveman diet,” it eliminates processed foods, grains, legumes, dairy and refined sugar. But what about everyone’s favorite meat – bacon? Here’s an in-depth look at whether bacon fits into paleo meal plans.

Paleo Diet Guidelines Overview

First, let’s review the core guidelines of the paleo diet:

  • Emphasizes plants and animals eaten by hunter-gatherers
  • Excludes dairy, grains, processed foods and legumes
  • Allows meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits and nuts
  • Focuses on nutrient, fiber and protein-dense whole foods

Anything our Paleolithic ancestors wouldn’t have access to is off the menu. So where does everyone’s favorite pork product – bacon - fall given these ground rules?

Is Bacon Paleo?

Given its popularity across diets, many wonder if bacon is approved on the paleo eating plan. The short answer is – it depends.

Bacon is pork, so the meat itself aligns with the paleo principles of eating animal products. However, modern industrial pork production methods and bacon preparation creates some potential issues.

Potential Concerns of Conventional Bacon

Mass-produced bacon from confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) carries risks like:

  • Added hormones
  • Grain-based feed
  • Antibiotic overuse
  • Chemical preservatives like nitrites
  • Inflammatory omega-6 fats

For these reasons, most standard bacon found at the supermarket conflicts with the ideals of a nose-to-tail paleo diet.

Choosing Paleo Bacon Brands

Seeking bacon that fits a caveman diet? Choosing consciously-produced brands can help address common concerns:

  • Pastured pork: Outdoor access minimizes hormones/antibiotics
  • Organic or no nitrates: Avoids chemical preservatives
  • Sugar-free: Prevents added sweeteners in flavorings
  • Grass-fed: Improves fatty acid nutrition profile

These attributes bring home-cooked, pastured bacon closer towards ancestral standards.

Paleo Diet Bacon Nutrition Profile

In addition to these sourcing considerations, the overall nutrition of bacon also determines how it fits into a paleo framework. Here’s an overview:

Macronutrients in Bacon

Two slices of pan-fried bacon contain approximately:

  • 38.5g fat
  • 15g protein
  • 0 carbohydrates

With no sugars or carbs, bacon offers high protein for satiety paired with ample fats to mimic hunter-gatherer diets.

Micronutrients in Bacon

From a vitamin and mineral stance, pastured bacon contains useful amounts of:

  • B Vitamins like B12
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium

These nutrients would have been found naturally in wild game consumed by our ancestors.

Omega Fat Ratio in Bacon

Bacon’s healthiness comes down to its balance of omega fats like:

  • Omegas 6
  • Omegas 3

Grain-fed pork contains inflammatory omega-6s, while pastured varieties offer more balanced anti-inflammatory omega-3 profile - optimal for paleo.

Incorporating Bacon in a Paleo Diet

Assuming quality sourcing, bacon can be included in a paleo eating pattern in a few ways, such as:

Using Bacon Fat for Cooking

After cooking your next batch of bacon, save the leftover bacon grease! This lard makes an exceptional cooking fat for frying eggs, sautéing veggies or roasting potatoes thanks to its high smoke point.

Crumbling on Salads

Adding crumbled bits of bacon to leafy green salads provides the perfect salty, crunchy, smoky topping. The fat also helps you absorb more fat-soluble vitamins from veggies.

Flavoring Soups & Stews

Throwing a strip or two of diced bacon into hearty paleo soups and stews balances flavors. Alternatively, cook bacon bits first then use remaining fat to build depth cooking veggies and meat.

Wrapping Protein & Vegetables

For an easy snack or appetizer, wrap bites of vegetables or meat with bacon. Simple yet delicious!

Potential Drawback of Bacon on Paleo

Despite its potential place in a paleo framework, there are some drawbacks to consider regarding regular bacon consumption:

High Saturated Fat Content

While the paleo diet embraces natural fats, bacon provides high amounts of saturated fat. This may negatively impact blood cholesterol markers if over-consumed, according to some studies.

Moderating portions is key, even when choosing pastured, organic bacon sources.

Contains Potential Carcinogens

According to the WHO, processed meats like bacon do contain compounds associated with increased cancer risk like nitrates or charring chemicals.

Choosing uncured bacon and avoiding burning can mitigate some risk, but many paleo experts still recommend restraint for regular intake.

Can Trigger Inflammation

Despite the improved omega profile of pastured pork, bacon may still promote inflammation in those with sensitivities. Listen to your body, and eliminate if any symptoms arise.

Other Cured Pork on Paleo Diet

If conventional bacon doesn’t align with your interpretation of the caveman diet, other preserved pork products may also fall under “paleo grey areas” like:


Similar to bacon, ham can contain added nitrates, sweeteners and preservatives. Opting for dry-cured methods brings ham closer to ancestral standards.


Salt-cured, air-dried prosciutto offers a nutritionally preferable choice over wet-cured ham. Just watch sodium content.


Fresh sausages without additives have a place on the paleo diet. Links high in sugars, fillers or chemicals are more questionable.

In the end, bacon and other cured pork aligns with paleo principles mostly regarding quality and consumption frequency. Moderating intake while choosing pastured sources brings bacon as close as possible to ancestral nutrition standards.


Is bacon allowed on the paleo diet?

It depends. Mass-produced bacon goes against paleo principles. But pastured varieties without hormones, grains or chemicals can fit into moderation. Choose nitrate-free, organic bacon from pigs fed a natural diet when possible.

Why might bacon be risky for a paleo diet?

Modern industrial bacon may contain preservatives, sweeteners, antibiotics, hormones and inflammatory fats that conflict with ancestral eating. Even “approved” forms are high in saturated fat and sodium worth minding intake amounts.

What’s the healthiest way to eat bacon on paleo?

Always opt for uncured pastured varieties when cooking bacon. Use in moderation as a natural flavor-booster for veggie dishes or protein sources 1-2 times weekly instead of daily for optimal wellness.

Can I eat other cured pork like ham or sausage?

It depends how it's made. Dry-cured prosciutto or fresh sausage mixes are better paleo options compared to highly processed deli ham or hot dogs with additives. Read labels closely for sneaky ingredients.