The Dangers of Mixing Lisinopril and Marijuana

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The Dangers of Mixing Lisinopril and Marijuana

The Potential Dangers of Combining Lisinopril and Marijuana

In recent years, the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana across North America has led to increased acceptance and use of the drug both recreationally and medicinally. However, mixing marijuana with certain prescription medications can be dangerous or even life-threatening. One such drug is lisinopril, a common medication used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure.

Lisinopril belongs to a class of drugs called ACE inhibitors, which work by relaxing blood vessels to lower blood pressure. Combining lisinopril with marijuana creates the potential for hazardous drug interactions, especially in older patients on multiple medications. Understanding the risks can help those on lisinopril use marijuana wisely and safely, or avoid it altogether.

How Does Marijuana Interact with Lisinopril?

Marijuana contains various active compounds, including THC and CBD, that act on the body's endocannabinoid system. This can result in relaxation, euphoria, pain relief, and other effects. However, it also causes an increase in heart rate and dilation of blood vessels, which lowers blood pressure.

This synergistic effect with lisinopril enhances the blood pressure-lowering action of both drugs. Drastically low blood pressure can cause dangerous side effects like dizziness, fainting, blurred vision, electrolyte abnormalities, and kidney damage.

In addition, marijuana may inhibit the CYP450 enzymes in the liver responsible for metabolizing many drugs, including up to 40% of all prescription medications. This makes the medications more potent, as the liver can't break them down as quickly. Higher levels of lisinopril in the bloodstream increase the risk of its side effects.

Who is Most at Risk?

Elderly patients and those on multiple medications face the greatest hazards from mixing lisinopril and marijuana. Older adults often have multiple health issues requiring several prescriptions. Their bodies metabolize drugs more slowly, raising the chance of excessive drug levels in the blood.

Common conditions in seniors like high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis are frequently treated with ACE inhibitors. Their fragile health also makes them more susceptible to rapid blood pressure drops and kidney problems.

Even over-the-counter drugs like NSAIDs and herbal supplements can interact with lisinopril and marijuana. Keeping track of multiple medications is challenging, increasing the likelihood of unintentional overdoses.

Possible Side Effects and Complications

The possible side effects of using marijuana with lisinopril include:

  • Excessively low blood pressure (hypotension)
  • Fainting or dizziness upon standing (orthostatic hypotension)
  • Increased heart rate (tachycardia)
  • Electrolyte imbalances like high potassium (hyperkalemia)
  • Kidney damage or failure
  • Severe headaches
  • Blurred vision
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Chest pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Coma

These effects occur most often when beginning treatment with lisinopril or increasing the dosage. Starting or intensifying marijuana use can also increase complications. Low blood pressure and electrolyte abnormalities boost the risk of dangerous heart arrhythmias and falls in older adults.

Precautions for Safe Use

Patients on lisinopril interested in trying marijuana should exercise extreme caution. Speak to both your physician and pharmacist about potential drug interactions and side effects. They may recommend adjusting medication dosages, additional monitoring, or avoiding marijuana altogether.

If choosing to use marijuana with lisinopril, start with a low dose of THC and gradually increase as tolerated. This minimizes sudden drops in blood pressure. Avoid standing up quickly and stay well hydrated to prevent dizziness and falls.

Avoid driving or operating heavy machinery when first using marijuana with lisinopril until knowing how it affects concentration, coordination, and reaction time.

Monitor blood pressure closely when starting or increasing marijuana doses and notify your doctor of any concerning symptoms. Emergency medical care is necessary for dangerously low blood pressure, chest pain, difficulty breathing, electrolyte disturbances, kidney problems, or fainting spells.

CBD as a Potential Alternative

For medical marijuana patients who still wish to avoid THC due to lisinopril use, CBD offers a possible alternative. CBD is another active compound in cannabis that does not cause euphoria or alter perceptions.

Research on CBD interactions with lisinopril is limited. However, some studies suggest CBD has minimal effects on blood pressure and kidney function compared to THC. As always, consulting a health professional before combining CBD and lisinopril is advised.

When using CBD, choose products from reputable brands that provide third-party lab testing. Start with the lowest dosage and monitor blood pressure and side effects. Increase gradually while continuing to watch for potential drug interactions with lisinopril.

Key Takeaways - Using Marijuana Safely with Lisinopril

Combining marijuana and the common blood pressure medication lisinopril carries serious health risks. Drastic drops in blood pressure, kidney damage, electrolyte abnormalities, fainting, and heart arrhythmias are possible side effects, especially in older adults on multiple drugs.

Those taking lisinopril should use extreme caution with marijuana. Speak to a doctor and pharmacist first and start with very low THC doses. Avoid driving or operating machinery until knowing how the combination affects concentration and coordination.

CBD may offer a safer alternative for medical marijuana patients on lisinopril, though research is limited. Again, consult health professionals first and monitor blood pressure closely when starting CBD.

Open communication with healthcare providers allows those benefiting from both lisinopril and marijuana to find the safest way to use both. Being informed of the risks allows taking proper precautions to avoid potentially life-threatening drug interactions and side effects.


Can I smoke marijuana while taking lisinopril?

It is not recommended to smoke marijuana while taking lisinopril due to potentially dangerous interactions, especially lowered blood pressure. Those who choose to use marijuana with lisinopril should consult their doctor first and start with very low THC doses while monitoring blood pressure.

Is it safe to use CBD with lisinopril?

Research on interactions between CBD and lisinopril is limited, but CBD may carry less risk of side effects like blood pressure drops compared to THC. However, it's still important to use caution, consult a doctor, start with low doses, and monitor side effects when combining CBD and lisinopril.

Can lisinopril and marijuana be fatal?

Yes, in rare cases the combination of lisinopril and marijuana can cause life-threatening complications like kidney failure, dangerously low blood pressure, heart arrhythmias, fainting, and electrolyte disturbances. Seniors and those on multiple medications face the greatest risk.

What are signs of a problem when taking lisinopril and marijuana?

Symptoms like severe dizziness, blurred vision, chest pain, fainting, nausea, fatigue, and shortness of breath when standing up may indicate issues like low blood pressure. Seek medical attention immediately if experiencing these symptoms when combining lisinopril and marijuana.

Should I tell my doctor if I use marijuana with lisinopril?

Yes, it is very important to inform your healthcare provider about all drugs and supplements you take, including marijuana. Open communication allows them to monitor for interactions and adjust medications if needed. Omitting marijuana use can hinder getting the safest treatment.