Forms of Marijuana: Flower, Edibles, Vapes, Topicals & More

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Forms of Marijuana: Flower, Edibles, Vapes, Topicals & More

What Forms Does Marijuana Come In?

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a versatile plant that can be consumed in many different forms. Thanks to innovation and legalization, the options for consuming marijuana continue to grow and diversify.

From classic flower buds to modern tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) infused products, marijuana can be smoked, vaped, eaten, drunk, applied topically and more. Each form provides its own unique effects and benefits.

Keep reading to learn about the most common forms that marijuana comes in, their characteristics, and how to decide which is best for your needs.

Dried Flower Buds

The most basic form of marijuana is the dried flower buds of the cannabis plant. Colloquially called "flower" or "bud", these are the parts of the female cannabis plant that contain the highest concentrations of cannabinoids like THC and CBD.

Dried buds can be smoked in joints, blunts, pipes or bongs. Smoking provides rapid effects as the cannabinoids quickly enter the bloodstream through the lungs. However effects fade faster compared to other methods.

Popular strains of dried marijuana flower include OG Kush, Blue Dream, Gorilla Glue, and Sour Diesel. Flowers can also be used to make edibles or concentrates.

Pre-Rolled Joints

For convenience, many dispensaries offer pre-rolled marijuana joints. These are pre-made joints containing dried cannabis flower ready to smoke.

Pre-rolls allow you to avoid the effort of manually rolling. They also easily provide pre-measured consistent doses. Varieties include both pure cannabis and cannabis combined with tobacco wraps.

Brands will often use catchy names for their pre-roll strains like Alien OG, Pink Runtz, and Grandaddy Purple. Pre-rolls make it easy to sample and share various marijuana strains.


Kief refers to the sticky, crystalized resin glands on cannabis flowers that contain concentrated cannabinoids like THC and CBD. Kief is sifted and collected from dried plant material with a fine mesh screen.

Since it is a powdery concentrate, kief contains much higher levels of cannabinoids compared to regular bud. It can be smoked on its own or added to flower to enhance potency.

Kief is sometimes compressed with heat into dense blocks called hash. There are different grades of hash including Moroccan, Lebanese, Afghani, and Indian. Hash can be smoked, vaped, or used to make drinks and edibles.

Extracts and Concentrates

Extracts and concentrates are forms of marijuana created by extracting cannabinoids and terpenes from the plant using solvents like CO2 or butane. This leaves behind an ultra-potent product.

Popular extract types include wax, shatter, budder, crumble, sap, and isolate. These can contain THC levels over 90% compared to 10-25% in dried flower. Concentrates can be dabbed, vaped, added to joints, or used to infuse foods and drinks.

CO2 extracted cannabis oil is also considered a concentrate. Oils tend to have a runnier, viscous consistency compared to solid, brittle extracts. However both offer highly concentrated forms of cannabis.


Cannabis tinctures are liquid concentrates that come in small bottles with a dropper. They are made by soaking cannabis flower in a high-proof alcohol solution, straining it, and cooking it down.

Tinctures allow for precise dosage by applying drops under the tongue or adding them to drinks and foods. Effects come on slower but last longer compared to smoking. CBD, THC, and blended tinctures are available.

Tinctures are typically taken sublingually for fast absorption but can also be added to beverages. They provide an accessible way to medicate discreetly with cannabis.


For consistent dosing and maximum discretion and ease, many medical marijuana patients rely on capsules. These consist of cannabis oil encapsulated within a pill capsule.

Capsules provide longer lasting effects compared to smoking as the cannabinoids are absorbed through the digestive system. Doses are pre-measured and can contain specific THC:CBD ratios.

Major benefits of capsules include predictable dosing, no odor, and ease of use. They allow patients to medicate with cannabis anywhere conveniently and subtly.


Cannabis topicals are infused lotions, balms, serums, patches, and bath products absorbed through the skin. They provide localized effects by binding to cannabinoid receptors in the skin without inducing a mental high.

Topicals are used for their analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties to provide relief from muscle soreness, joint pain, arthritis, eczema, and more. CBD, THC, and hemp topicals are available.

Topicals allow the benefits of cannabis without the cerebral effects. Massaging sore muscles with a THC infused balm can provide targeted comfort and relief.

Transdermal Patches

Transdermal patches provide another way to absorb cannabinoids through the skin. They are patches infused with THC or CBD that adhere to veins in the wrist or ankle.

The cannabinoids are slowly released into the bloodstream providing steady long lasting symptom relief. Patches eliminate factors like metabolization in the liver and gut for reliable dosing.

Patches are more expansive but appreciated by patients desiring consistent cannabinoid levels without having to re-dose multiple times a day.


Cannabis beverages include sodas, teas, coffee, beers, and more infused with THC, CBD, or hemp. They provide a familiar way to consume cannabis subtly and socially.

Popular THC drink options include cannabis lemonade, iced tea, ginger ale, wine spritzers, and cold brew coffee. Hemp and CBD beverages can be found at most cafes and grocers.

Cannabis beverages provide calmer, longer lasting effects compared to smoking. However onset takes 30-90 minutes once ingested and metabolized.


Cannabis edibles include any food infused with THC or CBD including baked goods, candy, chocolate, honey, jam, butter, spreads, sauces, jerky, trail mix, and more.

Edibles provide long lasting, full body effects that take 1-3 hours to peak. Dosing can be tricky with edibles as they take longer to metabolize so beginner friendly doses are recommended.

Whether looking to relax with a THC gummy or find focus with a CBD chocolate bar, edibles provide a tasty way to experience cannabis.

How to Choose the Best Form for You

With so many options, how do you choose the best marijuana form for your needs? Here are some factors to consider when selecting a consumption method:

  • Speed - Do you want rapid effects from vaping or smoking or longer relief from edibles and capsules?
  • Discretion - Odorless options like tinctures, capsules or beverages allow more subtle use.
  • Dosage control - Edibles and capsules offer consistent dosing while smoking and vaping allow easier titration.
  • Experience - Inhalation provides more cerebral, stimulating effects compared to ingestion.
  • Flavor - Prefer smoke inhalation, sweet edibles, botanical tinctures, or no flavor at all?

The form that works best for you depends on your health needs, lifestyle, and personal preferences. Many enjoy using a variety for different occasions and benefits.

The Many Forms of Cannabis

Thanks to innovation and expanded access, marijuana can be consumed in more forms than ever. Options range from traditional dried flower for smoking to modern products like transdermal patches and nano-infused drinks.

When exploring the diverse options, consider your desired effects, dosage needs, discretion, and consumption experience. With quality education and guidance, each form provides its own unique benefits.

Now that legal access continues expanding, people can find the ideal marijuana varieties and formats to suit their health needs and personal lifestyles.


What is the most popular form of marijuana?

Dried cannabis flower buds remain the most popular form of marijuana. Flower can be smoked in joints, pipes, bongs, and vaporizers for fast-acting effects.

What marijuana form has the longest lasting effects?

Edibles and capsules provide the longest lasting effects, up to 8 hours, as the cannabinoids are absorbed through the digestive system.

Which methods allow precise dosing?

Tinctures, capsules, and transdermal patches allow the most controlled, consistent dosing of cannabinoids like THC and CBD.

Are topicals psychoactive?

No, cannabis topicals only provide localized relief on the skin and joints without inducing any cerebral high from THC.

What form offers the most discreet use?

Capsules, tinctures, and beverages allow the subtlest consumption of marijuana in public without odor or smoke.