Is Almond Milk Allowed on the Paleo Diet? Nutrition & Benefits

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Is Almond Milk Allowed on the Paleo Diet? Nutrition & Benefits

Understanding the Paleo Diet and Almond Milk

The paleo diet aims to mimic the eating patterns of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. That means focusing on whole, unprocessed foods like vegetables, lean protein, nuts and healthy fats. But what about almond milk? Here's an in-depth look at the paleo diet guidelines and whether almond milk can fit into this way of eating.

Paleo Diet Overview

Centered around foods early humans could hunt, gather, catch or pick, the paleo diet eliminates anything our ancestors wouldn't have access to back then. That includes:

  • Grains - wheat, rye, barley, rice
  • Legumes - beans, peanuts, peas, lentils, soy
  • Dairy - milk, cheese, butter, cream
  • Refined Sugars
  • Processed Foods
  • Vegetable & Seed Oils

What's left on the paleo diet is meat, seafood, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and healthy oils like olive, walnut and avocado. supporters believe this ancestral way of eating can improve energy, manage weight and reduce modern health issues like diabetes and heart disease.

Why Dairy Is Excluded

Most dairy foods like milk, yogurt and cheese are excluded from paleo eating plans for a few reasons including:
  • They didn't exist back in caveman era.
  • Many people are sensitive to lactose or milk proteins.
  • Dairy can trigger inflammation or digestive issues in some.

Additionally, the paleo diet aims eliminate processed foods - even if they don't contain grains, legumes or dairy. While delicious, most dairy products today are highly processed foods.

Almond Milk on the Paleo Diet

When it comes to non-dairy milks, unsweetened almond milk is considered paleo diet approved. Almonds themselves are allowed on paleo as they grow easily without extensive farming techniques. Basic almond milk contains just two ingredients - almonds and water.

Compared with dairy milk, almond milk provides much less protein but an equal or greater amount of certain vitamins and minerals like vitamin E, potassium, magnesium and iron.

For those sensitive to lactose and milk proteins, almond milk can provide a more easily digested source of many nutrients found in dairy milk without stomach upset or inflammation.

Choosing the Best Almond Milk for Paleo

With almond milk's rise in popularity, you'll see various brands and flavors lining store shelves these days. But many contain additives and ingredients not paleo compliant. When selecting almond milk for a paleo diet, read labels carefully. Look for versions with:

  • Just almonds and water on the ingredients list
  • No added sugars or sweeteners like cane sugar
  • No thickeners like guar gum or carrageenan
  • No vegetable oils or artificial flavors
  • Unsweetened/original flavor

Or better yet - make your own! All you need is soaked and blended almonds, water, and strain out the pulp. This retains more nutrients without any additives. Homemade almond milk lasts about a week refrigerated.

Sample Paleo Meal Plan with Almond Milk

Wondering if you can enjoy cereal or smoothies on the paleo diet? With unsweetened almond milk, the answer is yes! Here's a look at paleo friendly meals and snacks featuring almond milk over the course of one day.


Chia Seed Pudding - Chia seeds soaked overnight in almond milk creates a tapioca-like texture. Top with fresh berries.

Morning Snack

Paleo Granola & Almond Milk - DIY granola mixed with almond milk makes a fiber and protein-packed snack.


Salmon Salad with Almonds - Combine wild salmon, mixed greens, avocado, carrot, almonds in lemon vinaigrette.

Afternoon Snack

Almond Milk Smoothie - Blend almond milk with banana, mango, spinach and coconut water for nutrients.


Moroccan Chicken Stew - Simmer chicken drumsticks, onion, carrots, sweet potato and spices in broth with cauliflower rice.

Evening Snack

Almond milk makes a soothing, paleo-friendly addition to soothing teas like chamomile, ginger, mint herbal blends before bed.

Potential Benefits of Adding Almond Milk to a Paleo Plan

While dairy is off the menu, incorporating unsweetened almond milk into a paleo eating pattern can offer advantages like:

Fewer Allergy Triggers

Almond milk eliminates dairy and lactose that provoke allergies and sensitivities for many people. This may help reduce congestion, skin irritation, sinus troubles and other symptoms.

Less Inflammation

Dairy milk contains casomorphins that can spark inflammation in the gut. Almond milk avoids this issue, supporting digestive and overall health.

More Nutrients

Almond milk provides an array of important vitamins and minerals lacking from a dairy-free diet like vitamin E, zinc, iron and potassium.

Weight Loss Support

For those using paleo principles to lose weight, almond milk offers protein to satisfy hunger with fewer calories than skim or low-fat dairy milk.

Heart Health

Replacing higher fat, cholesterol-containing dairy options with unsweetened almond milk supports heart health in the context of a paleo lifestyle.

Easy Ways to Use Almond Milk on a Paleo Eating Plan

From beverages to chia puddings, oatmeal, smoothies and beyond, almond milk can be easily incorporated into all types of paleo-friendly recipes. Additional ideas include:

  • Pour it over paleo granola or fruit for breakfast
  • Add to coffee, matcha or protein shakes
  • Blend with spices like cinnamon or turmeric for a unwinding drink before bed
  • Stir into soups for creamy texture and nutty flavor
  • Mix with coconut flour and eggs to make pancakes or waffles
  • Substitute 1:1 for any recipe calling for regular milk

With so many uses, unsweetened almond milk can be a nutritious addition to any paleo eating approach. Just be sure to select additive-free varieties when possible.


Is unsweetened almond milk allowed on the paleo diet?

Yes, unsweetened almond milk is considered paleo diet approved since almonds are permitted. Just check labels to ensure no added sugars or unwanted additives.

What are the best paleo almond milk brands?

Top paleo-friendly almond milk brands include Califia Farms Unsweetened Almondmilk, Elmhurst Milked Almonds Original, Silk Unsweetened Almondmilk and Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Unsweetened.

Does almond milk have as much protein as dairy milk?

No, almond milk contains much less protein than dairy milk. An 8 oz glass has about 1 gram of protein from almonds compared to 8 grams in cow’s milk.

Can you make your own almond milk for paleo diets?

Yes, it’s easy to make homemade almond milk by blending soaked almonds with water then straining out the pulp. This ensures no unwanted additives for people following paleo or dairy-free diets.