Is It Safe to Use Cannabis Edibles While Fasting? A Thorough Guide

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Is It Safe to Use Cannabis Edibles While Fasting? A Thorough Guide

Safely Using Cannabis Edibles During Fasting Periods

Fasting has become an increasingly popular health and wellness practice. At the same time, cannabis edibles are also rising in popularity and availability as more states legalize recreational and medical marijuana. This has led many people to wonder if it is safe or advisable to use cannabis edibles while fasting for health purposes.

This guide will examine the potential effects, benefits, and risks of consuming marijuana edibles during fasting periods. We’ll also explore considerations around dosing, activities, and more when combining these two trends.

Overview of Fasting

Fasting is the practice of voluntarily abstaining from some or all food and drink for a set period of time. Reasons people fast include:

  • Religious or spiritual purposes
  • To reset metabolism
  • Improve digestive health
  • Enhance focus and clarity
  • Promote weight loss
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Increase longevity

Common fasting methods include intermittent fasting, alternate day fasting, extended fasting, and fasting mimicking diets. Fasting duration ranges from 12 hours to several days or longer.

Overview of Cannabis Edibles

Cannabis edibles are food products infused with active cannabinoids from the marijuana plant. Types of edibles include:

  • Baked goods - cookies, brownies, cakes
  • Candies - gummies, chocolates, lozenges
  • Beverages - teas, elixirs, sodas
  • Oils, tinctures, capsules

Edibles containing THC produce the signature marijuana high, along with therapeutic effects. CBD-only edibles offer benefits without intoxication. Edibles provide longer lasting effects compared to smoking or vaping cannabis.

Is It Safe to Combine Fasting and Edibles?

There is limited scientific research specifically on the safety of consuming cannabis edibles while fasting. However, here are some considerations on potential health impacts:

  • Cannabis can lower blood sugar levels. Fasting also reduces blood sugar. Using edibles while fasting may increase the risk of excessively low blood glucose, which can cause dizziness, weakness, confusion, and other symptoms of hypoglycemia.
  • THC can increase heart rate and blood pressure. Dehydration from fasting can also elevate heart rate and blood pressure. Combining the two may compound these effects, increasing cardiac strain.
  • Fasting and cannabis both activate the body’s endocannabinoid system and produce heightened physiological and psychological effects. Using edibles while fasting could intensify these effects in an unpredictable manner.

On the other hand, some potential benefits include:

  • Cannabis edibles may help relieve headaches, cravings, and other discomforts associated with fasting.
  • THC stimulates appetite, which could be helpful when breaking a fast.
  • CBD may help reduce anxiety and sensations of weakness during fasting.
  • Marijuana’s anti-inflammatory effects could support fasting’s inflammatory modulation.

Overall, combining fasting and cannabis edibles warrants caution, close monitoring of reactions, and adjusting intake as needed. Those new to either should abstain from combining both initially.

Dosing Considerations

Fasting impacts edible dosage effects in a few key ways:

  • Taking edibles on an empty stomach increases absorption and bioavailability. This means the effects come on faster and stronger compared to taking edibles with food.
  • Dehydration and lower caloric intake may amplify the intensity and duration of edible effects.
  • Low blood sugar during fasting could increase THC-induced hypoglycemia risks.

Due to these dosing influences, best practices include:

  • Consuming much smaller edible doses than normal - start with 2 to 5mg THC doses.
  • Paying close attention to strain type and THC:CBD ratios. Opt for more balanced THC:CBD levels to minimize adverse reactions.
  • Allowing sufficient time between dosing to fully gauge effects before considering re-dosing.
  • Staying well hydrated by consuming sufficient water, electrolytes, and other clear fluids during fasting periods.
  • Keeping glucose tablets, juices, or other sources of sugar on hand in case of excessive hypoglycemia.

Activities to Avoid

Using edibles while fasting introduces potential safety risks for certain activities. It is advisable to avoid:

  • Driving or operating heavy machinery - Cannabis can impair motor skills and reaction times. Combine this with possible dizziness, weakness, and hypoglycemia from fasting, and serious risks arise.
  • Excessive physical exertion - Fasting and dehydration may hinder stamina. Cannabis can raise heart rate. Vigorous exercise under these conditions poses health hazards.
  • Water sports/swimming - Between fasting fatigue, cannabis impairment, and possible blood pressure/heart rate effects, the risk of drowning increases.

Instead, opt for mellow activities like light yoga, relaxing nature walks, or movies while combining fasting and edibles.

Considerations for Medical Marijuana Use

Those who take edibles for a specific medical purpose while fasting should take additional precautions:

  • Discuss fasting and medical marijuana use with your healthcare provider first.
  • Monitor vitals like blood pressure, temperature, and blood sugar closely.
  • Time doses so effects coincide with periods of worst symptoms.
  • Have someone available to help manage any unexpected side effects.
  • Stay well hydrated and supplement electrolytes during fasts.

The risks of medical marijuana edibles with fasting may outweigh potential benefits for certain conditions. Fasting also impacts drug metabolism. Proceed carefully under medical guidance.

Best and Worst Fasting Methods for Edibles Use

Some types of fasting may be safer or more suitable if choosing to consume cannabis edibles:

  • Intermittent fasting - Eating windows allow you to dose edibles after meals, avoiding low blood sugar risks.
  • Alternate day fasting - Edibles can be used on feeding days. Fast days allow the body to process without additional intake.
  • Periodic single day fasts - Single 24-hour fasts minimize health impacts while allowing edible use on feeding days.
  • Caloric restriction fasting - Lowered caloric intake provides some fasting benefits without fully abstaining from food.

Types of fasting to avoid include:

  • Extended fasting - Going more than 24-48 hours without food in combination with edibles poses higher risks.
  • Complete fasts - Abstaining totally from all foods does not pair well with cannabis edibles for most people.
  • Dry fasting - Avoiding all fluids significantly concentrates the effects of cannabis in an unsafe manner.

Prioritize safety above all else. Fasting disciplinedly while using cannabis edibles moderately may offer benefits, but also carries definite risks.

Safety Tips

If you choose to use cannabis edibles while fasting, keep these safety tips in mind:

  • Consult your healthcare provider about drug interactions and health conditions.
  • Time doses to coincide with meals when possible.
  • Stay well hydrated and supplement electrolytes.
  • Start with very low THC doses - 2 to 5mg.
  • Avoid driving, exercise, sports, and dangerous activities when impaired.
  • Have someone sober available to help if needed.
  • Keep glucose tabs on hand in case of hypoglycemia.
  • Carefully monitor your mind and body's response.
  • Adjust or abstain if you experience adverse effects.

Proceeding cautiously and making smart decisions can help minimize risks. But use common sense - fasting and edibles may be better done separately, especially for beginners.


Can you take CBD edibles while fasting safely?

CBD edibles carry less risk when fasting compared to THC edibles. However, CBD can still lower blood pressure and blood sugar. Start with very low doses if combining CBD edibles and fasting.

What's the best marijuana strain for fasting with edibles?

Indica and hybrid edibles with a more balanced THC:CBD ratio are best for fasting. Indicas provide relaxing effects to counter fasting fatigue. CBD helps level out THC side effects. Avoid potent, high-THC sativas.

Can you build tolerance to edibles faster when fasting?

Yes, fasting can accelerate tolerance buildup to cannabis edibles. Taking edibles on an empty stomach increases potency, as does dehydration. Take regular breaks from edibles while fasting to keep tolerance low.

How long do edible effects last when fasting?

Fasting can extend the duration of edible effects. Absorption happens quicker, but dehydration and metabolism slowing while fasting delays processing. Edible effects may last 6-12 hours when fasting compared to 4-6 normally.