Can You Get High From Smoking Cannabis Leaves?

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Can You Get High From Smoking Cannabis Leaves?

Can You Smoke Cannabis Leaves?

Cannabis refers to the plants that produce botanical drugs like marijuana and hashish. The cannabis plant has various parts that can be consumed, including the flowers, leaves, stems, and seeds. But when it comes to getting high, smoking the cannabis leaves may not produce the effects you’d expect.

Active Compounds in Cannabis Leaves

The cannabis plant contains hundreds of chemical compounds, but the main psychoactive ones are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is what causes the “high” feeling. CBD does not produce a high but may have therapeutic benefits.

Cannabis leaves have lower concentrations of THC compared to the plant’s flowers or buds. Leaves contain only trace amounts of 0.5-2% THC, while bud can have 15-25% THC. This makes the leaves less potent.

Effects of Smoking Cannabis Leaves

With their low THC content, cannabis leaves produce weaker effects compared to smoking bud. The effects you may notice include:

  • Mild euphoria, relaxation, or mood lift
  • Decreased anxiety or pain
  • Enhanced senses
  • Increased appetite

However, the effects are often barely noticeable, especially for those with some tolerance to cannabis. It typically takes smoking a large amount of leaves to feel anything.

Why Leaves Won’t Get You High

There are a few reasons why cannabis leaves create such weak effects compared to the buds:

  • Lower THC content - Leaves have only trace amounts of the psychoactive compound THC.
  • Higher CBD ratio - More CBD can counteract some of THC’s effects.
  • Less trichomes - Leaves have fewer sticky, crystal trichomes that contain cannabinoids.
  • Decarboxylation - Heating cannabis activates its compounds through decarboxylation. Leaves may not be heated or dried as thoroughly.

Other Uses for Cannabis Leaves

While cannabis leaves might not get you very high when smoked, they can still be useful in other ways:

  • Extracting hash or concentrates - The leaves can be used to make low-grade hashish.
  • Infusions - Leaves can be used to make infused oils, butters, drinks, or tinctures.
  • Topicals - Creams, salves, or lotions made with leaves may help relieve pain when applied to the skin.
  • Juicing - Fresh raw cannabis leaves can be juiced and ingested for health benefits.
  • Tea - Dried leaves can be brewed into tea, but with minimal psychoactive benefits.

Risks of Smoking Cannabis Leaves

Despite their low potency, smoking cannabis leaves still poses some health risks including:

  • Respiratory irritation - Smoke inhalation can irritate lungs and airways.
  • Impaired motor skills - Cannabis can slow reaction time and coordination even when not causing a strong high.
  • Increased heart rate - Cannabis elevates heart rate, which may impact those with heart conditions.
  • Drug interactions - Cannabis combined with other drugs may cause adverse effects.
  • Dependency - Frequent use can lead to cannabis use disorder in some individuals.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid consuming any part of the cannabis plant.

Maximizing Effects from Leaves

While cannabis leaves alone generally won’t cause much of a high, there are some tips to getting a little more out of them:

  • Use fresh leaves - Fresher leaves that haven’t dried out will be more potent.
  • Grind finely - Breaking leaves into very fine pieces maximizes surface area for extraction.
  • Decarboxylate - Heating leaves to about 220°F for 30-45 minutes activates more THC.
  • Extract concentrates - Making hash or extracts will concentrate more cannabinoids.
  • Pair with bud - Mixing leaves with some higher potency bud will boost effects.

Growing High-CBD Leaves

Certain cannabis strains can be cultivated to produce leaves higher in CBD than THC. This is done by crossing a high-CBD hemp plant with a high-THC marijuana plant. The leaves can then provide therapeutic benefits without much psychoactivity.

Are Cannabis Leaves Legal?

The legal status of cannabis leaves depends on your local laws. In places where recreational marijuana is legal, leaves are legal too. Some medical marijuana programs also allow cannabis leaves.

However, under U.S. federal law, all parts of the cannabis plant are illegal. And in regions where marijuana prohibition is still in effect, cannabis leaves remain illegal.

It’s important to check your local and state cannabis laws before obtaining or using any part of the plant, including leaves.

DEA Drug Scheduling

Under the U.S. Controlled Substances Act, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) categorizes cannabis as a Schedule I illegal drug with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. This Schedule I status applies to all parts of the plant.

State Marijuana Laws

While federally illegal, an increasing number of U.S. states have legalized cannabis for medical or recreational use. In these states, cannabis leaves are legal under state law assuming they are not being sold or distributed illegally.

However, even in legal states, cannabis possession and use is still illegal on federal land and can be prosecuted under federal law.

International Cannabis Laws

Globally, the legality and decriminalization of cannabis varies widely between countries. Some nations like Canada and Uruguay have legalized recreational marijuana. In other places like the Netherlands, it is partially decriminalized.

Many countries still have strict prohibition laws outlawing all parts of the cannabis plant. Transporting leaves or any cannabis across international borders also carries serious legal risks.

The Bottom Line

Smoking cannabis leaves is unlikely to produce much of a high due to their low THC content. Leaves can be used to make infused products, topicals, concentrates, or for juicing. But to experience the recreational or medicinal benefits of cannabis to the fullest, flowering buds with high cannabinoid levels are recommended over leaves.

It’s also essential to know and follow all applicable laws regarding cannabis where you live before obtaining or using any part of the plant, including the leaves.


Do cannabis leaves get you high?

Not really. Leaves have very low THC content, so smoking them will produce only mild effects, if any. Cannabis buds or flowers with high THC are needed to get significantly high.

Can you smoke fan leaves?

Yes, you can smoke the large fan leaves from the cannabis plant. However, they have even less THC than sugar leaves so the effects will be minimal at best.

What part of the cannabis plant gets you the highest?

The flowers or buds get you the highest, as they have the highest concentration of THC. Sugar leaves and trim leaves have minimal THC compared to the buds.

Are cannabis leaves legal?

It depends on where you live. Some states and countries have legalized cannabis leaves, while they remain illegal under federal U.S. law and in many other parts of the world. Check your local laws before obtaining leaves.