Learn Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil for Better Oral Health

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Learn Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil for Better Oral Health

Understanding Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic oral health technique that has recently gained popularity in modern wellness communities. The practice involves swishing oil around in your mouth to remove bacteria, toxins, and plaque from teeth and gums.

Coconut oil is the most common choice due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Oil pulling with coconut oil may aid oral health and even whole body health.

History of Oil Pulling

Oil pulling dates back over 3,000 years to ancient India and Ayurvedic medicine practices. Ayurveda focuses on natural healing methods to balance the body and enhance wellbeing. Oil pulling was used to cleanse the body starting with the mouth.

The practice is believed to have origins from the Kavala Graha tradition of holding and swishing sesame oil in the mouth during meditation or as part of rituals. It was observed that this led to whiter teeth and healthier gums.

How Oil Pulling Works

When oil is swished around and “pulled” between the teeth, it helps pick up and trap bacteria. The thick viscous oil also adheres to plaque on teeth and continues to extract impurities the longer it is swished.

Good oral health relies on reducing harmful oral bacteria that cause decay, infection, and inflammation. Oil pulling is thought to help sanitize the oral environment as well as exercise jaw muscles.

Benefits of Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil

Oral Health Benefits

Research shows that oil pulling daily with coconut oil can have powerful benefits for the health of your mouth including:

  • Whiter teeth
  • Reduced dental plaque
  • Less gingivitis and bleeding
  • Fresher breath
  • Less tooth decay and infection

These benefits likely come from coconut oil’s natural antibacterial fatty acids that get distributed throughout the mouth during swishing. This may disrupt disease causing oral bacteria.

Whole Body Benefits

Some holistic health communities believe oil pulling impacts whole body health by detoxifying systems and impacting hormones:

  • Detoxification
  • Hormone balance
  • Enhanced immunity
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Better lymphatic drainage

Though not extensively studied, it’s hypothesised that oil’s effects on oral bacteria and slight absorption over membranes may reach systems beyond the mouth over time.

How to Oil Pull with Coconut Oil

Here is a simple six step method to effectively oil pull at home:

  1. Put one tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth upon waking before eating or drinking anything.
  2. Swish oil gently around mouth through teeth and between gums for 10-20 minutes.
  3. The oil will get thinner and turn milky white as it mixes with saliva and draws impurities out.
  4. Spit coconut oil into trash can when done. Avoid sink drains which it could clog.
  5. Rinse mouth thoroughly with warm water.
  6. Use your regular toothbrush and toothpaste to brush teeth as normal.

Repeat daily ideally for maximum benefits. Many start with 10 minutes swishing time and work upwards from there once used to the process.

Tips for Beginning Oil Pulling

Some key tips to make oil pulling with coconut oil easier include:

  • Pick a mild organic virgin coconut oil that doesn’t irritate mouth sensitivity.
  • Pull on empty stomach first thing to allow full oil contact.
  • Try swishing gently rather than vigorously to avoid muscle strain.
  • Use one tablespoon oil to allow full liquid between teeth.
  • Time your minutes with a clock to gauge your swishing session.
  • Keep coconut oil next to toothbrush to remember the routine.

It can take some weeks to get comfortable with oil pulling. But over time, it should feel simple to add into your daily dental care.

Oil Pulling Considerations


Oil pulling is generally considered very safe thanks to coconut oil's low risk of sensitivity. However, those with chronic dental issues or using medications should consult their dentist or doctor first.

Pregnant women may also choose to avoid oil pulling until more extensive safety research is available on swallowing coconut oil.

Side Effects

Temporary side effects when starting oil pulling can include:

  • Excess mouth moisture
  • Jaw soreness
  • Lip dryness
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Coconut taste/odor

These typically resolve within days to weeks as your body adjusts. More serious side effects are extremely rare.

Effectiveness Considerations

While research thus far shows promise for oil pulling benefits, data is still emerging. It’s also important to note that oil pulling is not a replacement for regular dental care and proper brushing.

For best chances of efficacy, be sure to oil pull correctly and routinely in combination with healthy lifestyle habits around diet and oral hygiene.

Integrating Oil Pulling into Your Routine

Once you get over any initial hump of adapting to oil pulling, it begins to feel like second nature for dental care. Here are some tips for making coconut oil swishing a lifelong habit:

  • Start slow and work up swishing duration
  • Pull daily at same time to build rhythm into routine
  • Couple practice with proper flossing and brushing
  • Use pure organic coconut oil for taste/quality
  • Continue even if not noticing dramatic differences
  • Stay motivated knowing long term benefits

Focus on enjoying your morning swishing session like a mini meditation. Remember that oil pulling alone cannot overcome poor diet, dental trauma, smoking, or inadequate home care.

Pair it with other healthy lifestyle factors, and oil pulling can be an amazing addition to naturally enhance your oral environment!


Does coconut oil pulling really work?

Early research shows coconut oil pulling can reduce oral bacteria, plaque, gingivitis and bleeding. More data is still needed but results are promising for improved oral health.

When should I oil pull during my routine?

It's best to oil pull first thing in the morning on an empty stomach right after you wake up and before eating/drinking anything else to allow full contact and absorption.

Can coconut oil pulling replace brushing?

No - while coconut oil pulling has benefits, it should not replace regular brushing, flossing and dental visits. Think of it as an add-on oral hygiene boosting practice instead.

What oil is best for oil pulling?

Coconut and sesame oil are most common due to providing antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits. Coconut oil is preferable for its taste and lower sensitivity risks.