How to Do Reiki on Yourself and Others - Comprehensive Guide

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How to Do Reiki on Yourself and Others - Comprehensive Guide

What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. The word Reiki comes from two Japanese words: rei, meaning universal, and ki, meaning life force energy. So Reiki literally means "universal life force energy."

Reiki practitioners channel energy in a particular pattern to heal and balance the energy field that surrounds the body. This energy is known by several names: ki, chi, prana, or the biofield. By channeling Reiki energy through their hands, practitioners believe they can promote healing and wellbeing.

Though the existence of the biofield has not yet been proven scientifically, many Reiki practitioners and recipients report benefits including reduced pain, anxiety, and depression, and improvements in sleep and overall wellbeing.

The Origins of Reiki

Reiki was developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui during a spiritual retreat. Legend has it Usui decided to spend 21 days meditating and fasting on Mount Kurama in northern Japan. On the final day of his retreat, he had a transcendent experience and claimed he could channel healing energy through his hands.

Usui went on to teach this healing technique to more than 2,000 people during his lifetime. One of his students, Chujiro Hayashi, continued his work and developed the Reiki system used today. This system was brought to the Western world in the mid-1900s by Hawayo Takata, a Japanese-American woman born in Hawaii.

Takata introduced Reiki to the United States and Canada in the 1970s. She trained 22 Reiki masters before she passed away in 1980. These 22 masters have continued teaching and training new Reiki masters since then.

Reiki Training and Attunement

To practice Reiki on others, a person must undergo training by a certified Reiki master. Training usually consists of three degrees or levels:

  • Level 1 - Introduction to Reiki
  • Level 2 - Deepening the ability to channel Reiki energy
  • Level 3 - Reiki Master training

In addition to learning the history and therapeutic uses of Reiki, students receive "attunements" at each level of training. An attunement is a sacred ceremony where the Reiki Master opens and connects the student to the energy frequency of Reiki. The attunements are said to increase one's healing abilities.

After completing all three levels of training, a person becomes a Reiki Master themselves, able to attune others and teach their own Reiki classes.

What are the Health Benefits of Reiki?

Scientific studies have documented many health benefits of Reiki therapy. Regular Reiki treatments can:

Reduce Pain

Multiple studies show Reiki can reduce acute and chronic pain when integrated with conventional medical care:

  • A 2015 review found Reiki decreased pain in patients with chronic pain from conditions like fibromyalgia, cancer, and neuropathy.
  • Reiki has been shown to reduce pain and anxiety in patients undergoing colorectal operations. It also improved blood pressure and heart rate both during and after surgery.
  • In patients with painful diabetic neuropathy, Reiki decreased pain scores after 12 weeks of treatment.

Researchers believe Reiki helps with pain reduction through inducing relaxation responses in the body and mind. The calming effect it has on the autonomic nervous system may also diminish pain signals.

Lessen Depression and Anxiety

Several studies demonstrate potential mood-boosting benefits of Reiki sessions:

  • One study followed women being treated with chemotherapy for gynecological cancers. After six 30-minute Reiki sessions, they reported decreased depression, anxiety, and fatigue.
  • Another study in patients with traumatic brain injury showed that six Reiki sessions led to lower depression scores and anxiety.
  • A review of Reiki for mental health treatment found it decreased depression, anxiety, and stress in multiple settings.

This research suggests Reiki may stabilize mood by impacting the limbic system, the emotional control center in the brain.

Improve Sleep Quality

People who try Reiki for sleep report resting easier and feeling more refreshed during the day. Studies confirm this anecdotal evidence:

  • Male cancer patients who received Reiki reported less sleep disturbances and daytime sleepiness compared to those receiving just usual care.
  • Another cancer study showed Reiki decreased fatigue in patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation.
  • Research also demonstrates Reiki can induce deep relaxation. Monitoring brain waves during Reiki treatments show an increase in theta waves, which are present during deep relaxation and meditation.

By relaxing the body and mind before bedtime, Reiki helps trigger restorative sleep.

Promote Overall Wellbeing

Regular Reiki sessions create lasting improvements in mental and physical health for many:

  • Reiki helps rebalance the chakras and aura, allowing the body's natural healing energies to flow freely.
  • The deep relaxation of Reiki calms the sympathetic nervous system's "fight or flight" response, leading to healthier levels of cortisol and blood pressure.
  • Reiki reduces oxidative damage from stress, lowering inflammation levels in the body.
  • Patients report improvements in vitality, spiritual health, and emotional wellbeing after receiving Reiki.

How Does a Reiki Session Work?

Traditionally, Reiki treatments are offered through light touch of the practitioner's hands on or just above the body. The client lies fully clothed on a massage table, couch, or bed.

The practitioner places their hands on or over a series of locations on the head, front and back of the torso, the knees, and feet. Each position is usually held for 3 to 5 minutes. An entire session typically lasts 45 to 90 minutes.

More recently, some practitioners offer "distance Reiki" sessions where they channel energy to clients in remote locations. Many clients also learn Reiki techniques to self-treat for an extra boost of healing energy.

What Does Reiki Feel Like?

A Reiki session often induces deep relaxation. Many recipients describe Reiki's gentle warmth permeating through their bodies. The warmth may feel more concentrated wherever the practitioner's hands are placed.

You remain fully clothed and only ever experience light, non-invasive touch from the Reiki Master. Most people feel completely at ease during their sessions. If any position becomes uncomfortable, just let your practitioner know and you can shift positions.

As Reiki flows, you may see colors or images in your mind's eye. Some also report sensations like tingling, pulsing warmth, or coolness. These responses indicate the energy is flowing to areas in need of healing.

After the session, most people feel refreshed, renewed, grounded, at peace, and in less pain. Effects can last anywhere from hours to days after a Reiki treatment.

Is Reiki Safe?

Reiki is very safe for all ages and health conditions. The light touch involved causes no pain or discomfort. You remain fully clothed for all sessions.

No special preparation is needed for your first Reiki experience. However, some practitioners recommend avoiding alcohol or large meals right before your appointment.

Speak with your Reiki practitioner ahead of time if you have any medical conditions or take medications. Your practitioner may advise avoiding Reiki treatment if you have a pacemaker, wear an insulin pump, or have other sensitivities.

Finding a Reiki Practitioner

You can search online directories like the International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP) to find qualified Reiki practitioners in your area. Word-of-mouth referrals from trusted friends and natural health professionals are also a great way to select a provider.

The IARP provides guidelines for practitioners to advertise their services. Look for these credentials to identify properly trained Reiki providers:

  • Registered Reiki Master-Teacher (RMT)
  • Licensed Reiki Master Teacher (LRMT)
  • Certified Reiki Master Teacher (CRMT)

When contacting a Reiki practitioner, ask them about their background and training in Reiki. Select someone who completed formal Reiki certification classes rather than a weekend seminar.

Also inquire about their experience providing Reiki sessions and the results they've seen in clients. Select a practitioner you feel comfortable with and confident in their abilities.

What to Expect During Your First Reiki Session

Plan to arrive a few minutes before your appointment to complete any intake forms. Your practitioner may ask about your medical history, current conditions, and goals for your Reiki sessions.

At the start of the session, you can remove your shoes and get comfortable lying down on the massage table. You'll always remain fully clothed. The practitioner may dim the lights and play soft music to help you relax.

As the practitioner gently places their hands over different locations on your head, torso, arms, legs and feet, breathe deeply. Focus on the sensations of warmth, tingling, or relaxation. Let areas of tension soften.

Your practitioner will gently guide you through the experience and let you know when the session finishes. Take as long as you need after the treatment to ease back into your day. Many people feel blissfully relaxed yet energized following their first Reiki session.

How Much Does Reiki Cost?

In major metropolitan areas, Reiki sessions range from $60 to $120 per hour on average. Prices are usually towards the lower end of that range for newer practitioners. Those with years of experience or advanced Reiki training may charge more.

Here are some typical price ranges to expect in your area:

  • Small town or rural area: $40 - $80 per hour session
  • Mid-size city: $60 - $100 per hour
  • Major metro area: $80 - $120 per hour

Ask practitioners about any discounts for multiple sessions purchased at once. Packages of six or more treatments often provide cost savings.

Some health insurance plans may partially reimburse Reiki sessions when part of medical care. Check with your insurance provider to learn about coverage.

Learning Reiki to Treat Yourself and Others

With proper Reiki training, you can learn techniques to treat yourself, family, and friends. While therapeutic touch is not required, hands-on Reiki provides the deepest healing effects.

Learning Reiki requires finding a Reiki Master Teacher to undergo training with. Here are some tips for getting started:

Step 1: Look for a Reiki Master Teacher

Search online directories, contact local integrative health centers, and ask for referrals to find credentialed Reiki Masters in your area. Look for a teacher accredited with the International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP).

Choose a Reiki teacher you feel comfortable with. Schedule a free consultation to discuss your goals and ask questions.

Step 2: Undergo Reiki Training

Plan to commit at least 4 to 6 months for Reiki training levels 1, 2 and 3. You'll gain theoretical knowledge, hands-on techniques, and receive attunements at each stage. Training involves some self-practice between sessions.

Most Reiki Masters recommend waiting at least three months between Reiki 1 and 2 so you can thoroughly integrate the energy frequency.

Step 3: Practice Regularly

Daily self-Reiki sessions give you the opportunity to hone your healing skills. Keep practicing on yourself, friends, and family. Over time, your abilities will continue to strengthen.

If you hope to practice Reiki professionally, contact the IARP for guidelines around ethical practice and patient confidentiality.

Finding Reiki Training Classes

Group Reiki training courses are often available through:

  • Integrative health centers
  • Yoga studios
  • Meditation centers
  • Retreat venues
  • Spiritual and metaphysical shops

Online Reiki training has also become popular in recent years. Look for video classes conducted by accredited Reiki Masters.

Expect to pay $100 to $300 or more per Reiki training level. Discounts may apply for booking all three levels at once.

Using Reiki in Your Health and Healing Routine

Reiki can be a wonderful complement to your regular self-care routine. You may find benefits from trying:

Reiki Alongside Medical Care

Integrating Reiki into medical treatment plans helps the body heal and rejuvenates the spirit. Many hospitals now offer Reiki for patients. Discuss options with your medical providers.

Reiki With Other Bodywork

The deep relaxation effects of Reiki enhance other modalities like massage, acupuncture, or chiropractic care. Schedule your Reiki sessions before or after appointments with other wellness providers.

Reiki for Mental Health

The calming effects of Reiki on the nervous system make it helpful for managing anxiety, depression, and stress. Talk to your therapist or doctor about adding Reiki to your treatment plan.

Daily Reiki Self-Care

Taking just 5 or 10 minutes a day to self-treat with Reiki techniques provides a dose of healing energy. Self-Reiki promotes your overall wellbeing when done routinely.

The Takeaway

Reiki utilizes life force energy to support the body's natural ability to heal and balance itself. While more research on mechanisms is still needed, scientific studies and anecdotal reports show Reiki can reduce pain, anxiety, depression and improve sleep.

Reiki training allows you to practice on yourself, family, and friends. Or find an accredited Reiki practitioner to experience the relaxing and restorative benefits of a session.

Integrate Reiki into your regular wellness routine to boost your physical, mental, and spiritual health.


What are the main benefits of Reiki?

Clinical studies show Reiki can help reduce pain, depression, anxiety, and fatigue. It also promotes relaxation and improves sleep quality. Overall, Reiki supports better health and wellbeing.

Is Reiki safe?

Reiki is very safe and gentle. No special preparation is needed. You remain fully clothed during sessions and only light, non-invasive touch is used.

What does a Reiki session feel like?

Most people feel warmth, tingling, pulsing, or deep relaxation during their session. You may see colors or images too. Afterward, people report feeling refreshed, renewed, grounded, and peaceful.

How much does Reiki cost?

In major cities, average costs range from $60-$120 per hour session. Expect to pay less from newer practitioners or those in rural areas. Discounts may apply for multi-session packages.

Can I learn Reiki myself?

Yes, with training from an accredited Reiki Master you can become certified in Levels 1, 2, and 3 Reiki. This allows you to practice on yourself, family and friends. Online training options also exist.