Lion's Mane Extract: A Complete Guide to Health Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects

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Lion's Mane Extract: A Complete Guide to Health Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects

What is Lion's Mane Extract?

Lion's mane extract is a supplement derived from the Lion's mane mushroom, also known as Hericium erinaceus. This unique mushroom gets its name from its long cascading tendrils that resemble a lion's mane. Lion's mane mushroom has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine, but has recently gained popularity in the western world for its potential health benefits.

The extract is made by hot water extraction of the mushroom fruiting bodies or mycelium, resulting in a concentrated form of the bioactive compounds. These include polysaccharides, beta-glucans, heteropolysaccharides, and other antioxidant compounds. Lion's mane extract is available in capsules, powders and liquid tinctures.

Research has shown that lion's mane extract contains neuroprotective, neuroregenerative, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, anti-anxiety and cognitive enhancing effects. Some of the key potential benefits of lion's mane extract include:

  • Supports nerve growth and helps repair nerve damage
  • Protects against cognitive decline and neurological disorders
  • Reduces inflammation and oxidative stress
  • Boosts immune function
  • Enhances memory, focus and cognition
  • Alleviates anxiety and depression
  • May inhibit tumor growth

Let's take a deeper look at some of the main evidence-based health benefits of lion's mane mushroom extract.

Supports Brain Health and Nerve Growth

One of the most well-researched effects of lion's mane extract is its ability to support nerve growth and regeneration. In animal studies, lion's mane extract has been shown to speed recovery from nervous system injuries, stimulate the growth of neural stem cells, and reduce inflammation in the brain.

Two unique compounds found in lion's mane, hericenones and erinacines, are believed to be responsible for these neuroprotective effects. They appear to encourage nerve growth factor (NGF) synthesis, which is critical for maintaining neuron health.

By increasing NGF levels and supporting nerve growth, lion's mane may help mitigate or reverse neuropathy, neurodegeneration, cognitive impairment and age-related decline in brain health. Human studies indicate supplemental lion's mane can improve cognitive function in people with mild cognitive impairment.

Reduces Anxiety and Depression

Up to 18% of adults suffer from anxiety and depression worldwide. Research shows that lion's mane mushrooms contain anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects, likely due to increased NGF synthesis.

In one study, women taking lion's mane extract daily for 4 weeks showed significantly reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression, compared to the control group. The ability of lion's mane to potentially treat mood disorders may be linked to reduced inflammation and increased neuron growth in parts of the brain like the hippocampus.

Offers Neuroprotective Effects

Neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and dementia are partly caused by oxidative damage and inflammation in the brain. Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, lion's mane extract may help protect the brain against this damage.

Lion's mane contains vitamin A, B complex, polysaccharides and other nutrients with antioxidant capacities. Test tube studies demonstrate that lion's mane extract can prevent oxidative damage to brain and nerve cells.

By reducing inflammation and preventing neural damage, lion's mane may help slow the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. However, more human research is needed in this area.

May Inhibit Tumor Growth

In addition to benefits for brain health, early research shows lion's mane extract has anti-cancer effects. Polysaccharides from lion's mane mushrooms have been found to slow the growth and spread of cancer cells in test tubes.

One study showed that lion's mane extract induced apoptosis (automatic cell death) in human liver cancer cells. However, the anti-cancer effects have not yet been tested thoroughly in humans.

The potential cancer-fighting effects of lion's mane are thought to stem from its immunostimulating and antioxidant capabilities. More high-quality studies are needed to determine if it may be useful as a complementary therapy for cancer in humans.

How Does Lion's Mane Extract Work?

The beneficial bioactive compounds in lion's mane extract work through several mechanisms to provide health benefits:

  • Nerve Growth Factors - Lion's mane contains hericenones and erinacines that stimulate nerve growth factor (NGF) production in the brain and throughout the body. NGF is critical for nerve tissue regeneration.
  • Immunomodulation - Polysaccharides in lion's mane help regulate the immune system. This reduces inflammation and stimulates protective immune cells.
  • Antioxidant Effects - Lion's mane demonstrates significant antioxidant capabilities that help eliminate free radicals and prevent oxidative damage to cells and DNA.
  • Neurotransmission - Components of lion's mane may help regulate neurotransmitters like dopamine and acetylcholine that control mood, cognition, sleep, appetite and more.

Through these mechanisms, lion's mane extract appears to offer protection against neurological decline, anxiety, inflammation, cancer and more. However, more human research is still needed on the mechanisms and efficacy of lion's mane mushrooms.

What Are the Side Effects Of Lion's Mane Extract?

Lion's mane extract is generally considered very safe, with virtually no known side effects or drug interactions. In fact, human studies have found absolutely no adverse events associated with lion's mane supplementation even after months of use.

However, some minor side effects have been noted anecdotally. These include:

  • Itching or skin rash - Some users report itchy skin after ingesting lion's mane extract, possibly due to a histamine response.
  • Digestive issues - For sensitive people, lion's mane may initially cause mild nausea, diarrhea or abdominal discomfort.
  • Blood thinning - Due to its potential antiplatelet effects, lion's mane may increase the risk of bruising and bleeding when combined with blood thinners like warfarin or aspirin.

To avoid side effects, introduce lion's mane supplement gradually and take with food. Those with shellfish allergies should use caution, as lion's mane is in the same fungal family as shrimp and lobster.

Always speak with your doctor before taking lion's mane extract or any supplement if you are taking medications or have a medical condition.

How to Take Lion's Mane Extract

Lion's mane mushroom extract is available as capsules, powder or liquid tincture. It can also be consumed as tea or coffee, incorporated into foods or taken in a dual-extract with herbs like ginkgo biloba.

For general wellness benefits like reduced anxiety, cognitive enhancement and immune support, most research suggests taking 300-500mg of lion's mane extract daily. For nerve regeneration and neuroprotective effects, studies using doses from 1,000 to 3,000mg per day have shown efficacy.

When taking capsules, it's ideal to choose a reputable brand containing pure lion's mane fruiting body or mycelium. For powders, a dosage of 1/2 to 1 teaspoon daily is common.

To get the most from lion's mane, aim for daily, consistent use. Effects tend to increase over time, with studies showing more benefits after 8 to 12 weeks of continued supplementation.

Pairing lion's mane extract with vitamin D, omega-3s, curcumin, and ginger may provide additional neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory benefits.

When to Take It

Some research shows taking lion's mane extract in the morning may be more beneficial for reducing anxiety, elevating mood and improving focus during the day. You may also take it in the evenings or before meals.

Try taking lion's mane mushroom supplements for at least 2-3 months to experience the full effects. Speak with your integrative healthcare provider to determine the best dosage and schedule based on your needs.

Is Lion's Mane Extract Safe?

For most healthy adults, lion's mane mushroom extract is considered very safe and well-tolerated. Possible side effects are very rare and mild.

However, the following groups should exercise more caution with lion's mane supplementation:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women - Due to lack of safety research, lion's mane is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.
  • Children - Lion's mane mushroom has not been studied in children and is not recommended for pediatric use.
  • Those on medications - Check for potential supplement interactions with your doctor, especially if taking blood thinners.
  • Anyone with allergies - Use caution if you have shellfish or fungal allergies.

When sourced from a reputable supplier, lion's mane extract products are very unlikely to be contaminated. Only purchase organic, high-quality lion's mane from trusted manufacturers.


What does lion's mane taste like?

Lion's mane has a mild seafood-like flavor, often described as similar to crab or lobster. When cooked, it takes on a meaty texture much like seafood. The extract form has a mild mushroom taste.

When is the best time to take lion's mane?

Most research suggests taking lion's mane extract in the mornings may be optimal for increased focus, mood and brain performance during the day. However, you can also take it at night or with meals if preferred.

Can lion's mane be taken every day?

Yes, daily use of lion's mane extract appears to be safe and more effective for neurological benefits. After 1-2 months of continuous use is when the effects become much more pronounced.

Does lion's mane help with sleep?

Some evidence suggests lion's mane may improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia. Effects may be due to lion's mane's ability to reduce inflammation, alleviate anxiety and balance neurotransmitter levels related to sleep-wake cycles.

Is lion's mane the same as reishi?

No, lion's mane and reishi mushrooms are different species of fungi. Both offer numerous health benefits, but lion's mane is particularly renowned for its brain and nerve-boosting properties.

Can lion's mane cause liver damage?

There is no evidence that lion's mane harms the liver. On the contrary, studies show it may actually protect liver function and reduce damage from toxins and free radicals due to its antioxidant effects.

The Bottom Line

Lion's mane mushroom extract offers an array of science-backed health benefits, including enhancing brain function, supporting nerve growth, reducing inflammation and possibly inhibiting tumor growth. Extensive research suggests lion's mane is highly beneficial for neurological health and protection.

By taking lion's mane extract supplements, people may experience improved concentration, memory, mood, sleep quality, nerve regulation and more. For maximum effects, choose a reputable brand and take lion's mane consistently for at least 8-12 weeks.

When sourced properly, lion's mane mushroom extract appears to be remarkably safe for most healthy adults. Minor side effects are rare but may include digestive upset and skin irritation. As with any supplement, consult your doctor before taking lion's mane extract.


What's the difference between lion's mane powder and extract?

Lion's mane powder is simply pure mushroom powder, while the extract is a concentrated form containing a higher level of active compounds like polysaccharides. Extracts may be more convenient and potent.

Can I grow my own lion's mane mushroom?

Yes, lion's mane is relatively easy to grow at home using a mushroom growing kit. However, yields can be low and it takes patience. Buying an extract may be more practical for health benefits.

Does cooking destroy lion's mane benefits?

Some research shows that heat from cooking may reduce some of the bioactive compounds in lion's mane mushrooms. For maximum benefits, consuming supplements or extracts is recommended.

Can I take lion's mane if I'm pregnant?

There is insufficient research to determine if lion's mane is safe during pregnancy. Until more data is available, it is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Are lion's mane capsules better than powder?

Both capsules and powder are effective delivery methods. Capsules may be preferred by some as they are tasteless and easier to swallow. Check the purity and potency when choosing either form.