10 Delicious Diabetic Cookie Recipes - Tips for Enjoying Cookies with Diabetes

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10 Delicious Diabetic Cookie Recipes - Tips for Enjoying Cookies with Diabetes

Delicious Diabetic Cookie Recipes

Living with diabetes often means making adjustments to your diet, especially when it comes to sweets and desserts. However, there are still many delicious cookie recipes that are suitable for diabetics and align with a diabetes-friendly diet.

Choosing the Best Ingredients

The key to finding great tasting diabetic cookie recipes is choosing ingredients that are low in carbohydrates and sugar, such as:

  • Whole grain flours like almond flour, coconut flour or oat flour
  • Natural sweeteners like stevia, erythritol or xylitol
  • Healthy fats like almond butter, coconut oil or olive oil
  • Flavorings like vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and lemon

Using ingredients like these allows you to limit added sugars while still creating a sweet, delicious cookie that aligns with a diabetic diet.

10 Tasty Diabetic Cookie Recipes

1. Almond Joy Cookie Bites

These no-bake diabetic cookie bites are grain-free, gluten free, dairy free and only have 3g net carbs per cookie. They are sweetened with stevia and erythritol.

2. Keto Shortbread Cookies

This classic shortbread is made keto by using almond flour instead of regular flour. With only 1g net carb per cookie, they make a perfect low-carb dessert.

3. Cinnamon Roll Cookies

All the delicious flavors of a gooey cinnamon roll in easy, portable cookie form. These are gluten free and sweetened with xylitol and stevia.

4. Coconut Macaroons

These no-bake coconut macaroons use unsweetened coconut along with sugar-free sweetened condensed milk, keeping carbs low. Each cookie has just over 1g net carb.

5. Chocolate Chip Skillet Cookie

This fun, shareable skillet cookie recipe uses almond and coconut flours for a low-carb, gluten-free base that is topped with chocolate chips.

6. Peanut Butter Cookies

Who doesn't love a classic peanut butter cookie? This recipe uses low carb approved ingredients like almond flour, butter, egg and sugar-free sweetener.

7. Lemon Crème Sandwich Cookies

These brightly flavored lemon cookies use fresh lemon juice and zest for flavor. They are sandwiched together with a tasty low-carb lemon cream filling.

8. Pumpkin Whoopie Pies

Two pumpkin spice cake-like cookies sandwiched together with a sweet marshmallow filling. A perfect fall or winter seasonal treat!

9. Ginger Molasses Cookies

These chewy ginger cookies get both flavor and sweetness from molasses. They have a warming blend of ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and clove.

10. Vanilla Bean Thumbprint Cookies

A simple almond flour vanilla cookie made special with a fluted edge and raspberry jam thumbprint filling for a pop of sweet fruit flavor.

Tips for Enjoying Diabetic Cookies

The key to enjoying sweet treats like cookies as a diabetic is moderation. Here are some tips:

  • Stick to having 1-2 cookies as dessert after a balanced meal
  • Measure your blood sugar before and about 1-2 hours after eating to see how the cookies impact you
  • Pair your cookies with a source of protein like nuts or greek yogurt
  • Stay hydrated by enjoying your cookies with an 8oz glass of water or unsweetened tea

Using these diabetic friendly cookie recipes and tips, you can still incorporate sweet treats into your diet!

Designing a Diabetic Diet for Cookie Enjoyment

If you have diabetes, your doctor has likely recommended paying close attention to your carbohydrate intake. This means being mindful of the carbs in all foods you eat, including desserts like cookies.

The recommended daily carb target typically falls somewhere between 150-200g depending on medications, activity level and individual factors. This daily amount should be spread evenly across meals and snacks throughout the day.

Here are some tips for fitting cookies into your daily diabetic carb counting goals:

  • Measure 1-2 portions of lower carb cookies into your daily carb limit
  • Reduce carbs from other mealtime foods to allow for cookie intake
  • Integrate the cookies as dessert after a diabetes-friendly meal
  • Calculate the full nutrition facts including carbs, protein and fats to understand the full impact

Using this approach allows those with diabetes to enjoy sweet treats in balance and moderation as part of an overall healthy, carb counted diet.

The Importance of Reading Nutrition Labels

To successfully manage your diabetic diet, reading nutrition facts labels is essential. This allows you to accurately count carbs and calculate insulin needs.

Nutrition labels provide detailed information on the nutrition content per cookie serving or for the full package size including:

  • Total carbohydrates
  • Fiber
  • Sugars
  • Added sugars
  • Sugar alcohols
  • Total fat
  • Protein

For total carb counting, start with total carbs then subtract fiber and sugar alcohols to get your net carb number. Using this information and working with your dietitian, you can effectively incorporate sweet treats into your customized diabetic diet.

Incorporating Exercise with Cookie Treats

Physical activity and exercise are highly beneficial for those managing diabetes. Exercise helps improve insulin sensitivity, lowers blood sugar levels and aids weight management.

Here are tips for offsetting cookie intake through exercise:

  • Go for a 30-60 minute walk to balance out eating a few cookies
  • Hit your target heart rate zone during a workout to maximize impact
  • Mix cardio and strength moves together into your fitness routine
  • Time your workout before or after enjoying your cookie treat

Using activity as a complement to diabetic diet adjustments enables flexibility for sweet treats in healthy moderation.

Common Questions about Cookies and Diabetes

Can diabetics eat cookies?

Yes, those with diabetes can incorporate cookies and other sweets into their diet, in moderation. Focus on lower carb recipes with less added sugar. Balance intake by reducing carbs at other meals and exercising.

What ingredients make the best diabetic cookies?

Some of the best diabetic cooking ingredients include almond flour, coconut flour, flaxseed meal, stevia, erythritol, dark chocolate, nuts, seeds and whole eggs or egg whites.

How do you calculate carbs for diabetics in cookies?

Use nutrition labels to subtract fiber and certain sugar alcohols from the total carbohydrate count to get net carbs. This provides the most accurate carbohydrate number for counting and insulin dosing.

Can diabetics eat chocolate chip cookies?

Yes, dark chocolate chip cookies made with low carb, diabetic friendly ingredients can be integrated into a healthy diet in moderation by accurately calculating net carbs.

Tips for Safely Enjoying Cookies with Diabetes

Here are some top tips for safely enjoying cookies and desserts as part of a diabetic diet:

  • Discuss sweets intake goals with your doctor or dietitian
  • Select lower carb cookie recipes with less added sugar
  • Accurately measure cookie serving sizes for carb counting
  • Balance intake by reducing carbs at other meals
  • Carefully monitor blood sugar before and after eating
  • Stay hydrated and maintain healthy nutrition overall

With some mindfulness, planning and self-care, those with diabetes can still savor sweet cookie treats!


What are some good substitutes for white sugar in cookie recipes?

Some great sugar substitutes to use in diabetic cookie recipes include stevia, erythritol, xylitol, monk fruit, and allulose. These will provide sweetness without spiking blood sugar levels.

Can I use whole wheat flour in my diabetic cookies?

Yes, you can use 100% whole wheat flour or try a blend of whole wheat and almond flours. Whole grains provide more nutrients as well as fiber to help slow digestion.

Is coconut oil good to use in cookies for diabetics?

Coconut oil is an excellent choice for diabetic baking recipes. It provides beneficial fats without cholesterol or trans fats. It also helps cookies to retain moisture for a chewy texture.

How long do diabetic cookies stay fresh for?

Most properly stored diabetic cookies will stay fresh sealed at room temperature for 5-7 days. For longer storage, keep cookies refrigerated for 2-3 weeks or freeze baked cookie dough or baked cookies for 2-3 months.