Is Cottage Cheese Keto? The Lowdown on This High Protein Snack

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Is Cottage Cheese Keto? The Lowdown on This High Protein Snack

The Keto Diet and Dairy

The ketogenic or "keto" diet has become an extremely popular way of eating for weight loss and other health benefits. The premise of the keto diet is to restrict carbohydrates to put the body into a metabolic state known as "ketosis". By limiting carbs to around 5-10% of calories and increasing fat intake significantly, the body starts producing ketones for energy instead of relying on glucose from carbs.

On the keto diet, cheese is often considered something of a staple food. While other dairy products like milk and yogurt are typically avoided, most types of cheese are very low in carbohydrates - making them an ideal fit for the keto diet. However, not all cheeses are created equal when it comes to their suitability for keto.

Cottage Cheese: Keto Friendly or Not?

So when it comes to cottage cheese in particular - is it keto diet approved?

The answer is... it depends! Cottage cheese can fit into a ketogenic diet, but in moderation and when choosing low carb varieties.

Carb Count of Cottage Cheese

A 1/2 cup serving of small curd or regular cottage cheese contains about:

  • 90 calories
  • 16 grams of protein
  • 4 grams of fat
  • 3-8 grams of carbohydrates

As you can see, a modest serving of cottage cheese contains just 1-2 net carbs typically. This carb count means it can definitely be part of a keto diet when consumed in moderation. However, some people find they need to limit dairy products to maintain ketosis.

Tips for Including Cottage Cheese on Keto

Here are some tips for including cottage cheese if you choose to incorporate it into your keto or low carb eating plan:

  • Stick to 1/2 cup or less per serving
  • Choose low fat or regular cottage cheese
  • Opt for small curd over large curd varieties
  • Pair it with low carb fruits like berries
  • Add tomato, cucumber, avocado for a savory snack
  • Use cottage cheese to make keto pancake or waffle batter
  • Mix with almond flour to make bread or muffins
  • Top salads instead of croutons for added protein

Potential Drawbacks of Cottage Cheese for Keto

While cottage cheese can be included on a keto diet, some may choose to avoid it if they experience:

  • Digestive issues from too much dairy
  • Stalled weight loss plateaus
  • Increased carb cravings
  • Skin breakouts or inflammation

Each individual can react differently to dairy products. Keeping an eye on how your body responds is the best way to determine if foods like cottage cheese are right for your keto diet.

Health Benefits of Cottage Cheese

Though relatively high in sodium, cottage cheese provides some great nutritional benefits. Here are some of the top health perks to incorporating cottage cheese in your diet:

High in Protein

One of cottage cheese's major benefits is its stellar protein content. With about 13 grams protein in each 1/2 cup, cottage cheese delivers protein needed to build muscle, lose fat, and curb hunger.

Packed with Calcium

Cottage cheese provides a whopping 206 mg of calcium per serving - that's 20% of the recommended intake. For those avoiding keto-unfriendly milk, cottage cheese can help provide this essential bone-building nutrient.

Low in Fat

Many types of cheese pack in the saturated fats, but cottage cheese tends to be relatively low in fat. Varieties like 1% milkfat deliver protein and calcium without adding too many fats to your diet.

Contains Probiotics

The fermentation process used to create cottage cheese produces natural probiotics. These healthy gut bacteria provide digestion and immunity benefits. Just be sure to steer clear of heat-treated cottage cheese which destroys these beneficial cultures.

How to Make Cottage Cheese Keto-Friendly

If you want to enjoy cottage cheese as part of your ketogenic diet, you can tailor it by:

Choosing Low Carb Options

Read nutrition labels carefully to select cottage cheese with lower carb counts. Small curd cottage cheese tends to be slightly lower in carbs than regular or large curd varieties.

Pairing with Keto Foods

Combine your cottage cheese with plenty of low carb fruits and veggies instead of crackers, bread or high carb additions.

Using as Keto Recipes

Get creative with cottage cheese! Whip up keto pancakes, breads and muffins by swapping out higher carb additions for cottage cheese.

Consuming in Moderation

Enjoy small amounts of cottage cheese at a time alongside nutritious fats. Limit it if you notice digestive issues or weight loss stalls.

Cottage Cheese Alternatives

If you choose not to eat cottage cheese on keto or want to limit dairy, some alternatives to try include:

  • Greek yogurt
  • Ricotta cheese
  • Tofu
  • Hemp seeds
  • Chia seeds

These nutritious high protein swaps can stand in for cottage cheese in recipes or deliver a similar nutrient profile.

Is Cottage Cheese Keto: The Verdict

Cottage cheese can be part of a well-formulated ketogenic diet when consumed in moderation. For most people, about 1/2 cup per day is perfect for staying low carb while enjoying the many benefits cottage cheese offers. Pay attention to your body's cues and adjust your intake accordingly.

When paired with plenty of healthy fats and low carb vegetables, this high protein snack is an easy way to keep keto.


Is all cottage cheese keto-friendly?

No. You'll want to choose low fat or regular small curd cottage cheese. Large curd varieties tend to have slightly higher carb counts. Always check the nutrition label.

Can I eat unlimited amounts of cottage cheese on keto?

It's best to limit your portions to 1/2 cup per serving. Even though it's low carb, overdoing cottage cheese can stall your results.

What are some good keto cottage cheese recipes?

Some ideas are using cottage cheese to make keto pancake batter, adding it to egg scrambles, mixing into meatballs, substituting it for ricotta in lasagna, pairing it with berries and making parfaits.

Are there any negatives to eating cottage cheese on keto?

Some people react poorly to dairy on keto and experience bloating, digestive issues, inflammation or slowed weight loss. Pay attention to how cottage cheese impacts your body.