All NPI Numbers of Religious Nonmedical Practitioner

Allison Delaney

NPI Number: 1851474183

Primary Speciality:

Address: 4600 Edmundson Rd, Saint Louis, Missouri, United States

Phone: 3147336801

Patrick Vincent Suglia

NPI Number: 1679633978

Primary Speciality:

Address: 1383 Pottsville Pike, Shoemakersville, Pennsylvania, United States

Phone: 4846652303

Amy Ihrig

NPI Number: 1548437791

Primary Speciality:

Address: 712 E 750 N, American Fork, Utah, United States

Phone: 8017732503

FAQs about Religious Nonmedical Practitioner

What services do they provide?

As with religious nonmedical nurses, Religious Nonmedical Practitioners provide spiritual care, counseling and rites/rituals according to their faith tradition. However, they do not provide direct physical care services like bathing or medication administration.

Are they licensed medical providers?

No, Religious Nonmedical Practitioners do not have medical or nursing licensure. They are not licensed to assess or treat medical conditions. Their services are focused on spiritual care and religious counseling or rituals rather than clinical functions.

Where are they based?

Religious nonmedical practitioners provide services through religiously-affiliated inpatient and outpatient healthcare facilities, hospices, prisons and other settings managed by their religious order or faith group.

How are they identified?

Religious nonmedical practitioners can be identified through distinctive religious attire or titles reflecting their religious order or tradition (ex: chaplain, spiritual leader, religious counselor). They do not use clinical titles protected by medical licensure.

What is their role?

The role of a Religious Nonmedical Practitioner is to provide spiritual counseling, rites, scripture/prayer and religious rituals/sacraments according to the traditions of their faith. Their focus is on spiritual well-being rather than physical healthcare or medical treatment.

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