All NPI Numbers of Community Health

FAQs about Community Health

What is a military community hospital?

A military community hospital provides comprehensive healthcare services for eligible beneficiaries within a defined geographic area, similar to a general civilian community hospital serving both active duty members and military retirees/dependents.

Which branches operate them?

All branches maintain some military community hospitals within the U.S. to extend access to healthcare beyond strictly base hospitals. They serve a dual role in both community and force health protection.

What services are available?

Services typically include emergency care, operating rooms, imaging, lab work, physical therapy, women's health, pediatrics, dental care, behavioral health, pharmacy, outpatient specialty care and more.

Who is eligible for care?

In addition to active duty personnel, eligibility extends to military retirees, reservists, National Guard members, veterans and their dependents within the hospital's service area depending on benefit levels and capacity constraints.

How are costs covered?

As part of the Military Health System, most medical care costs are pre-paid through annual military appropriations. Active duty members have no direct costs, while retirees and dependents may face co-pays for some services.

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