All NPI Numbers of Urgent Care

Privia Medical Group West Texas, Pllc

NPI Number: 1275780744

Primary Speciality:

Address: Po Box 5409, Abilene, Texas, United States

Phone: 3254378655

Grupo Rescue

NPI Number: 1750538468

Primary Speciality:

Address: 3508 North West 114 Ave, Doral, Florida, United States

Phone: 4079311717

Medventures, Pllc

NPI Number: 1194972042

Primary Speciality:

Address: 1805 Shea Center Dr Ste 301, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, United States

Phone: 3033572559

Mercy Care Health Systems Llc

NPI Number: 1245487172

Primary Speciality:

Address: 1851 Douglas Rd, Montgomery, Illinois, United States

Phone: 6308449900

Rajan B. Masih, Md, Pllc

NPI Number: 1740437003

Primary Speciality:

Address: Po Box 365, Petersburg, West Virginia, United States

Phone: 3045304999

Hans Bjellum, Md, Pc

NPI Number: 1851547160

Primary Speciality:

Address: 4622 40th Ave S, Fargo, North Dakota, United States

Phone: 7012326211

Primecare At Twin Lakes Llc

NPI Number: 1104072594

Primary Speciality:

Address: 1890 Lpga Blvd, Daytona Beach, Florida, United States

Phone: 3862742212

Music Valley Medical Center, Pllc

NPI Number: 1578719845

Primary Speciality:

Address: 2416 Music Valley Dr, Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Phone: 6157779336

Beckley Road Urgent Care

NPI Number: 1134375405

Primary Speciality:

Address: Dept Ch 14306, Palatine, Illinois, United States

Phone: 8663077700

Gila Health Resources

NPI Number: 1528214079

Primary Speciality:

Address: Po Box 218, Morenci, Arizona, United States

Phone: 9288659184

Palmeri Urgent Care Llc

NPI Number: 1699921205

Primary Speciality:

Address: 11338 W 63rd St, Shawnee, Kansas, United States

Phone: 9132488000

Hans Bjellum, Md, Pc

NPI Number: 1790931467

Primary Speciality:

Address: 4622 40th Ave S, Fargo, North Dakota, United States

Phone: 7012326211

Hans Bjellum, Md, Pc

NPI Number: 1255587929

Primary Speciality:

Address: 4622 40th Ave S, Fargo, North Dakota, United States

Phone: 7012326211

Hans Bjellum, Md, Pc

NPI Number: 1346496015

Primary Speciality:

Address: 4622 40th Ave S, Fargo, North Dakota, United States

Phone: 7012326211

Hans Bjellum, Md, Pc

NPI Number: 1619123593

Primary Speciality:

Address: 4622 40th Ave S, Fargo, North Dakota, United States

Phone: 7012326211

Tommy L Louisville Md Pa

NPI Number: 1508012477

Primary Speciality:

Address: 1598 Us 27 N, Avon Park, Florida, United States

Phone: 8634521980

Responsible Medical Solutions Corp

NPI Number: 1013163914

Primary Speciality:

Address: 41715 Winchester Rd, Temecula, California, United States

Phone: 9513084451

Urgent Care Center Of Lancaster, Llc

NPI Number: 1376799429

Primary Speciality:

Address: 836 Houston Run Dr., Gap, Pennsylvania, United States

Phone: 7175810538

Ray Altamirano

NPI Number: 1609022847

Primary Speciality:

Address: Po Box 1342, La Vernia, Texas, United States

Phone: 2109121969

Urgent Care Medical Center Llc

NPI Number: 1578719753

Primary Speciality:

Address: 4714 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, Florida, United States

Phone: 5616407505

FAQs about Urgent Care

What services may be provided?

Centers treat acute illnesses/injuries like colds, flu, minor lacerations/sprains that do not require emergency care. Walk-in clinics offer convenience through expanded evening/weekend hours with shorter wait times than ERs.

What patient populations do they serve?

All ages, from pediatrics to geriatrics, can access Urgent Care. Services aim to increase healthcare access for underserved communities through multiple neighborhood locations, virtual care options and sliding fee scales.

What providers may staff clinics?

Nurse practitioners, physician assistants and physicians treat patients, supported by x-ray technicians, medical assistants and other support staff. Some clinics partner with on-call specialists for additional guidance as needed.

How is care coordinated?

Through strong referral networks and interoperable health IT systems, patient medical records and care plans are shared securely between Urgent Care clinics and primary care offices to ensure treatment continuity.

What technologies enhance convenience?

Online check-in, automated check-out, mobile scheduling and telehealth support affordability and access. Digital health records facilitate warm handoffs between providers across settings. Patients appreciate streamlined processes.

What services does an Urgent Care clinic provide?

Urgent care clinics offer walk-in treatment for non-life threatening injuries and illnesses like colds, sprains, minor lacerations, flu/stomach bugs when a primary care doctor cannot be seen quickly. Some provide basic lab tests.

How can I search for an Urgent Care clinic's NPI?

Search and filter results by the specialty "Urgent Care" to easily find any Urgent Care clinic's NPI nationwide. This aids credential verification, checking insurance participation or obtaining provider details.

What hours are Urgent Cares open?

Most Urgent Care clinics operate evenings and weekends to provide convenient access when a patient's regular doctor is unavailable. Many are open 7 days a week, with some operating extended hours until late at night or early mornings.

What insurances are accepted?

Nearly all Urgent Care providers accept major private insurance plans. Many also accept Medicare and Medicaid to make services affordable for all. Out-of-network costs may be higher depending on an individual's insurance.

What credentials do providers have?

Physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants working in Urgent Care have licenses in the state to practice medicine. Additional training in urgent/emergent care allows them to efficiently diagnose and treat the types of acute conditions often seen in walk-in settings.

What conditions are treated at Urgent Care?

Urgent care clinics treat non-life threatening injuries and illnesses requiring prompt attention but not serious enough to visit the emergency room, such as sprains, strains, minor infections, lacerations, poison ivy/oak exposure, ear/eye issues and upper respiratory infections.

What services can be expected at Urgent Care?

Urgent care centers offer outpatient services including exams and treatment by medical staff, basic diagnostic tests like x-rays and labs, wound care, casting for minor fractures and administering necessary medications, vaccines or IV fluids. Most are open nights and weekends.

How can Urgent Care help avoid the ER?

Urgent care is a great option for after-hours and weekend healthcare needs that aren't true emergencies. This can help reduce overcrowding and wait times at hospital ERs while still providing prompt attention from medical professionals for urgent but non-life threatening issues.

When should the ER be visited instead?

Patients should go directly to the ER rather than Urgent Care for severe or uncontrolled bleeding, chest pain, sudden or unexplained loss of consciousness, head injuries, seizures, difficulty breathing, severe burns, broken bones, poisoning or suspected overdose, or any other acute illness/injury posing immediate risk.

How do Urgent Care costs compare to the ER?

On average, Urgent Care center costs are much lower than emergency room bills - often a few hundred dollars compared to over $1,000. However, costs will vary depending on the facility, extent of treatment required and individual health insurance. Urgent care may be more affordable for non-emergencies.

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