All NPI Numbers of Solid Organ Transplant

FAQs about Solid Organ Transplant

What is a Solid Organ Transplant specialty?

This specialty focuses on medication management for pre- and post- organ transplant patients (e.g. heart, lung, liver, kidney transplants). Specialists ensure safe and effective immunosuppressant drug therapy.

How do I find a Solid Organ Transplant specialist?

Search by entering an NPI number in the specialty field. Select "Pharmacist" as provider type and "Solid Organ Transplant" from the specialty dropdown for relevant search results.

What services do they provide?

Services include managing complex immunosuppressant drug regimens, monitoring for infection risks and drug interactions/toxicity, patient education on medication adherence, and coordinating care with transplant surgeons and teams.

How do I obtain an NPI with this specialty?

To obtain an NPI number with a Solid Organ Transplant specialty, you must be a licensed pharmacist. Apply through and select the appropriate taxonomy code to indicate your specialty.

Do they treat all organ transplant patients?

While some specialists may focus on a certain transplant organ (e.g. kidney transplants), many are able to manage immunosuppressant therapy and care for patients receiving any Solid Organ Transplant (e.g. heart, lung, liver).

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