All NPI Numbers of Geriatric

Mitchell Ira Goldstein

NPI Number: 1275780090

Primary Speciality:

Address: 70 E 161st St, Bronx, New York, United States

Phone: 7186651163

Adam Charles Willett

NPI Number: 1427205335

Primary Speciality:

Address: 101 Bodin Cir, Travis Afb, California, United States

Phone: 7074233000

Catherine Epps

NPI Number: 1548417835

Primary Speciality:

Address: 109 Greenvale Dr, Lexington, South Carolina, United States

Phone: 8032548775

Terrence Houston Brown

NPI Number: 1285880666

Primary Speciality:

Address: 100 Business Park Dr, Ridgeland, Mississippi, United States

Phone: 6019566228

John Thomas Czarnecki

NPI Number: 1124274907

Primary Speciality:

Address: 3333 Glendale Ave, Toledo, Ohio, United States

Phone: 4192137506

Priyatma Wirth

NPI Number: 1659537934

Primary Speciality:

Address: 214 Northwood Rd, Riverside, Illinois, United States

Phone: 8152755519

Roberta Ann Bullock

NPI Number: 1265698997

Primary Speciality:

Address: 228 Marday Dr, Ruther Glen, Virginia, United States


Julie Sun

NPI Number: 1245496074

Primary Speciality:

Address: 209 Martin Luther King Jr Way, Tacoma, Washington, United States

Phone: 2535963770

Brenda Kay Trimmer

NPI Number: 1689830515

Primary Speciality:

Address: 4795 Augusta Dr, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, United States

Phone: 7177307873

Amanda Jo Ward

NPI Number: 1922263094

Primary Speciality:

Address: 2673 Highway 644 Ste 1, Louisa, Kentucky, United States

Phone: 6066389627

Amanda Jo Ward

NPI Number: 1922263094

Primary Speciality:

Address: 2673 Highway 644 Ste 1, Louisa, Kentucky, United States

Phone: 6066389627

Amanda Jo Ward

NPI Number: 1922263094

Primary Speciality:

Address: 2673 Highway 644 Ste 1, Louisa, Kentucky, United States

Phone: 6066389627

Miki Lynn Finnin

NPI Number: 1346405784

Primary Speciality:

Address: Po Box 1113, Glenpool, Oklahoma, United States

Phone: 8884078643

Kevin Bacigalupo

NPI Number: 1932363926

Primary Speciality:

Address: 5000 S 5th Ave, Hines, Illinois, United States

Phone: 7082028387

Kristin Marie Zimmerman

NPI Number: 1689838153

Primary Speciality:

Address: 940 Belmont St, Brockton, Massachusetts, United States

Phone: 7748262150

Andrew A Gentles

NPI Number: 1396909909

Primary Speciality:

Address: 2040 Bayrose Cir, Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Phone: 3055280814

Hope Charysse Wasz

NPI Number: 1538322300

Primary Speciality:

Address: 1830 Downing Ave, Westchester, Illinois, United States

Phone: 7085621952

Charles C Hailey

NPI Number: 1487815429

Primary Speciality:

Address: 1310 24th Ave S, Nashville, Tennessee, United States


James Richard Kant

NPI Number: 1861652729

Primary Speciality:

Address: 132 N Mckinley Ave, Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Phone: 9702210018

Shannon Leigh Stewart

NPI Number: 1922268036

Primary Speciality:

Address: 1410 Cherry Rd, Eads, Tennessee, United States

Phone: 9014667760

FAQs about Geriatric

How do I search for an NPI number for a Geriatric Pharmacist on

To search for an NPI number for a Geriatric Pharmacist on, go to the website and enter "Geriatric" in the specialty search bar. This will return all Geriatric Pharmacists in the database along with their NPI numbers.

What information do I need to provide to search for a Geriatric Pharmacist's NPI number?

To search for a Geriatric Pharmacist's NPI number on, you need to enter their name, specialty (Geriatric), state, and optionally city to narrow your search results. The system will return matching records that include the NPI number.

How can I verify a Geriatric Pharmacist's NPI number?

If you have a Geriatric Pharmacist's NPI number, you can verify it on by entering the number in the NPI number search bar. The system will return the provider's details and confirm if the NPI number is valid or not.

What information is displayed when I search for a Geriatric Pharmacist by NPI number?

Searching for a Geriatric Pharmacist by NPI number on will display their name, specialty, practice address, phone number and other credentials. This allows you to easily identify the correct provider and contact them directly using the displayed information.

How often is the NPI data for Geriatric Pharmacists updated on

The NPI data on is updated on a monthly basis to ensure the information for all specialties including Geriatric Pharmacists is current and accurate. This allows users to rely on the system for the latest provider details when searching or verifying NPI numbers.

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