Eric Samuel Osterberg in Red Lion - Chiropractor

Eric Samuel Osterberg - NPI 1659374817

Eric Samuel Osterberg is a Chiropractor in Red Lion, Pennsylvania. Eric Samuel Osterberg practices all healthcare services and medical treatments related to Chiropractor. The NPI Number for Eric Samuel Osterberg is 1659374817. The last update date is 2010-09-17.

Eric Samuel Osterberg's current location address is 718 S Main St, Red Lion, Pennsylvania. You can contact this provider via phone number 7172448504 and fax number 7172445401. The mailing address for Eric Samuel Osterberg is 718 S Main St, Red Lion, Pennsylvania. To know further, please read the information below!

Provider Profile Detail

Provider Name Eric Samuel Osterberg
Address 718 S Main St, Red Lion, Pennsylvania
Phone Number 7172448504
Fax Number 7172445401
Sole Proprietor N
Credentials D.C.

NPI Number Detail

NPI Number 1659374817
Provider Enumeration Date 2005-05-23
Last Updated Date 2010-09-17

Provider Mailing Address Detail

Address 718 S Main St
City Red Lion
State Pennsylvania (PA)
Post Code 1735626050
Phone Number 7172448504
Fax Number 7172445401

Provider's Primary Taxonomy Detail

Speciality Chiropractor
Taxonomy 111N00000X
Licence No DC006469L
A provider qualified by a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.), licensed by the State and who practices chiropractic medicine -that discipline within the healing arts which deals with the nervous system and its relationship to the spinal column and its inte

Provider's Other Legacy Identifiers

Identifier Identifier Type Identifier State Identifier Issuer
7629756 PA --

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FAQs about Eric Samuel Osterberg

What is the unique 10-digit identification code assigned to Eric Samuel Osterberg by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services?

The Eric Samuel Osterberg has been issued the NPI (National Provider Identifier) 1659374817, which serves as a unique identifier for healthcare providers, assigned by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Could you please share the complete physical location address where Eric Samuel Osterberg's facilities are situated?

The facilities of Eric Samuel Osterberg are physically located at the following address: 718 S Main St, Red Lion, PA, 1735626050.

What is Eric Samuel Osterberg's specialized field of practice, and what is the corresponding taxonomy code that categorizes this area of expertise?

The area of specialization for Eric Samuel Osterberg is Chiropractor, and the taxonomy code that classifies this field of practice is 111N00000X.

When did the Eric Samuel Osterberg receive its 1659374817?

The Eric Samuel Osterberg was issued its 1659374817 on 2005-05-23, which is the date when the organization was assigned this unique identifier.

When was the information regarding Eric Samuel Osterberg, such as address, specialty, and other details, most recently verified or confirmed to be accurate?

The information pertaining to Eric Samuel Osterberg, including its address, specialty, and other relevant details, was most recently verified or confirmed to be accurate on 2010-09-17.

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